Which parts of the brain are the most active during a person's rest?

The brain appears oval divided into two parts separated by chasm. And each half or part of the brain controls one side of the body. Where the right half of the brain controls the left side of the body and the left half of the brain is concerned with the right side.

Although it is a mass of proteins and fats and weighs about (1.4 kg), it is the device that makes us (reasonable human beings), whereby a person can perform sensory actions (such as seeing, smelling, hearing, and tasting) to feel the surrounding world.

Also, through which people can do logical, rational and creative thinking work. And allow people able to communicate and organize ideas in sentences and formulate phrases in topics and speak these ideas.

The brain also controls (through the nerves and spinal cord) all the activities of life inside the human being. Where the brain organizes all vital processes that are done without the real human will. And examples of that, regulating the process of breathing and heart rate and the secretion of hormones and enzymes during the process of digestion.

Of course, through the brain, a person can perform all voluntary movements of his body parts and coordinate several actions and procedures that carry some complexity.

The brain-building unit is the nerve cell (neurons), and the brain consists of tangles and connections of about 100 billion neurons connected to each other by thousands of millions of synapses, and there are ten times that number of (glial cells) that surround all neurons and protect them.

Neurons remain in a state of overwhelming activity during the awakening of the human being. They store huge amounts of information and memories within them even though a person can exploit only a little less of this information. But, in the end the human personality is formed from this information and memories, but rather builds upon its mixture its actions and his behavior later.

During this state of great activity, the neurological messages are exchanged between each brain cell and another through the so-called (neurotransmitters)

The brain produces many types of chemicals that are used as neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine, serotonin, dopamine, noradrenaline. And these neurotransmitters do not spread throughout the brain completely, but each neurotransmitter is concentrated more in a specific area of the brain.

However, which sections of the brain are the most active during human relief?
The right part of the brain is the most preoccupied during a person's wake when he or she makes deliberate mental rest, according to a new American study!
The researchers expected the left part of the brain to be the most active! But activity on the right side of the brain proved to be more intense during the mental rest period during the wakefulness.

Researchers from Georgetown University studied 15 people, asking them to stand still, stop thinking, wear covers that measure their brain activity. They explained that the lid was made up of fiber optic sensors, these probes were indicative of the amount of oxygenated blood in a brain area.

They added that the changes in the oxygen levels in the blood showed them the most consuming areas to this vital element. And are, therefore, the most active areas in the brain

The researchers observed that the right side of the brain is the most active during this mental rest period. But, they are still unsure why, the brain may clean itself of thoughts during deliberate mental rest periods.

The right side of the brain may act as a manager who either cleans the information or merges it and sends it to the left side. Which is often the dominant side of the brain in most people who use their right hand, and the matter inverted to the person who uses his left hand.

Which benefit do we derive from this research?

1-After a mental effort, of 90 to 120 minutes in memorizing or solving equations or  office work give the left part of your brain some deliberate comfort by (no thinking)!
Give your left flutter some deliberate relief by not thinking about a specific thing! Or just focus on your breathing process (four times inhale and then four times exhale), here you are making the left part of your brain rests to recover again and regain its activity.

2-When you need to deal with a problem or a difficult situation: give your left brain some rest by not thinking for a few minutes and then start to deal with the crisis. In this case, your mind is in its strongest state and can handle the problem efficiently

3-When you do some creative work such as painting, sculpture or anything that requires innovation, Here the right part of the brain does all the work. So it is right to give it a rest after working 90-120 minutes in the same as the previous method


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