how to improve concentration and focus

Modern life prevents us from any concentration because it has a lot of things that help distract the mind of modern man. However, the concentration is necessary for the human because it is the essentials of the ability to think and perception. So many students suffer a lot of their problems with concentration so they say they cannot continue to focus on anything they study.

However, when some of these students say that they cannot focus on any subject or lesson that is explained. It does not mean that they have problems in their mental ability to concentrate. The problem is their (Untrained) concentration, which is not based on any interest! When you are interested in something you will focuses on its details and events and therefore the information into the memory of the long-term enter, and you can retrieve what you like from information later.

The problem lies in the attention distracting of the same person with random ideas that have nothing approximate with the subject before him. And these hinders his concentration and causes the interruption of the information flows about entering into his memory.
In this article we will discuss how to improve concentration and focus and strengthen it through general information about the mind ability to concentration. In addition, habits and exercises and also food systems.

Any person with problems in concentration should strive to persevere in understanding and applying this information, as the focus will not develop from just reading some information. At least one of these methods, which is recommended by experts in this field should be practiced on a daily basis to achieve the highest utilization of mental abilities. And not to waste any time or effort in any mental task that requires concentration.

Concentration and attention and the meaning of each of them

Imagine yourself in a place full of people. In this situation, you will be surrounded by people, events, things, smells, etc. And all these stimuli compete and emphasize for the opportunity to receive your senses to it. However, you decide to listen to a friend's talk to you, when you do this, your ears analyze highly overlapping sound waves that combine many voices for different people, and from this mixture you focus on one sound!

Here the behavior of you describe that you are in the state of attention! You listen to your friend's talk that stands out in the center of your consciousness as the voices of others melt together to form what is called, noise or hubbub.

We also assume that you are integrated into talking with your friend and during that, you heard another friend calling you in your name! You are then will turn your consciousness into a new focus and you get what is called (shift attention).

From the previous observation, two characteristics of the attention process can be drawn:

1-Attention is an eclectic process of stimuli or exciter
Among the many sensational stimuli received by various sensory members are the focus of your senses on some stimuli without others. And the attention in this case, is paid to the task of the refinery for these (raw) stimuli  and therefore the attention is considered practical (subsequent to the process of sensation).

2-Attention is an early cognitive process
Sensation is concerned with raw stimuli, and it is the first step before the attention and before the perception and cognitive. In which the mind and attention goes to stripping off and extract explanations and interpretations on these stimuli.

Attention is at a pre-cognitive stage, but plays an important role in deepening awareness and clarity of the meaning of the stimulus. And because attention is the first component of the process of cognition, so attention is first of all the necessary abilities required to perform any work that demands human action.

This can be realized when you give full attention to a task (mental or physical). It is easier for you to accomplish this task with the required efficiency and speed than to make your attention hover around this task. Without giving it the attention and awareness that it needing. There is no equivalent to taking full advantage of your attention to accomplish any mental or physical task even if this focus is for short periods.

The problem is that the results of the laboratory to determine the maximum time for attention had revealed that it does not exceed (30: 60 seconds) then the attention deviates gradually from one moment to another away from the exciting element or the subject of discussion, and to re-pay attention another mental process is required, which is what we usually call (concentration), so the concentration is the echo of attention and means to continue to pay attention to the subject in question until reaching a reasonable end.

The concentration is a difficult ability to persist for a long time and therefore it is difficult for many. However, it is a necessary ability and needs a strong will to improve! Especially in the early stages of it and cannot possible to aspire to valuable results only by mastering brain training for concentration

The problem of people, especially students and learners, is not that they lack the mental abilities necessary to concentrate. But, in their transformation always from what needs to be paying attention to things easier to follow and lovely to themselves or more to take control of their interest. People often lack the will or the knowledge, not the ability to concentrate. Which is what one tries to cover and cover his inability to work persistently by talking about the lack of natural preparations. As this is the easiest situation for the self and others.

However, better results and easier effort can be achieved by identifying the assets of developing concentration capacity rather than placing the mind and its abilities in a random predicament.

The ability to concentration is a dynamic mental process that can be developed, trained, and upgraded to a horizons and heights that humans could not imagine capable of. They can also recover the energy they lost to perform the concentration perfectly.

However, the development of concentration is not a defined and simple process, but rather a complex process that depends on many factors. Some of which are related to the interest, experience, and familiarity with how to refine, pruning and develop this capacity. The development of concentration depends on the strength of one's nervous system and the different habits acquired and the nature of its behavior. It also depends on the nature of one's mental activity and his position from the subject that he is supposed to pay attention to.

Concentration types:

1-Coercive concentration:
Imposed by a sudden strong stimulating causing a shift of attention and concentration to it. And what is surrounding the person is ignored such as sudden physical pain, electric shock, thunder or a shot, etc.

2-Auto concentration (Negative concentration):
The person deals with the subject of attention with little effort, such as watching an exciting film or listening to an interesting story.

3-Voluntary concentration (Positive concentration):
It first requires a goal to be focused on, such as a subject, event, or physical work of skill. In this type of concentration, the person must control his or her attention for a specific time in order to carry out subsequent mental actions aimed at understanding and accomplishing this goal.

Therefore, this type of concentration requires overcoming all forms of resistance and distraction that the mind makes from ideas, questions and dreams of awakening. So that the mind can do what it needs to the required task from understanding, recognition and working in a reasonable period of time the person should continue to focus his mind on it.

This type of focus is, therefore, needed for a stressful effort to overcome boredom, weariness, or distraction. An example when you try to follow an arid conversation or a repetitive lesson. The amount of effort required for this type of voluntary concentration depends on the clarity of the target and the intensity of motivation.

When you are trained to control your ability to concentrate in every mental activity, this will prepare you for the next stage. Which is to reach the state of maximum concentration or to enter into a strong intellectual restriction on any subject.

4-Post-voluntary concentration (the state of intellectual restriction or the exclusion):
A state of intellectual restriction is the situation in which man fully integrates into the work he does. And his mind becomes absent from the world and from time and drowns completely in the moment he lives.

This type of concentration appears after a period of intense effort, which was necessary to continue the voluntary concentration which has long been impossible to sustain.

In every difficult practice (with effort) an area is shown that turns hard into an easy and boring turns into an interesting. This shift is usually driven by a strong will that know its purpose and realizes that the moment of psychological pleasure is coming.

During the stage of Post-voluntary concentration or in the intellectual restriction state of a person, the human ability to learn becomes better because his mind is more focused in the work he does. And thus achieves greater interaction between the brain and the task it performs in the existence of the soul in the maximum relaxation.

Where a person is able to use all his skills and abilities to accomplish the work he does. So the state of intellectual restriction is the best situation in which you can master the work.

It was found that the outstanding students were more able to enter the stage of Post-voluntary concentration or the state of exclusion than others, where the experiments showed that the outstanding were in a state of exclusion in 40% of the times they were studying, unlike ordinary students who were in this case in 16% of all the study time.

And you can develop your ability to focus by knowing the conditions governing the transformation of voluntary concentration that needs enormous efforts that many cannot meet their requirements. To more Post-voluntary concentration, easier and more manageable and productive and more enjoyable and fun at the same time.

However, what is the real difference between positive concentration and the state of intellectual restriction?

1-In terms of time:

The mind, during the positive concentration takes into account only the task before it! And the mind can only take care of one task only during the concentration where the thought is focused on the current moment and the current event exclusively. And in the positive concentration, the mind loses its interest in the past and the future, and does not care about any suspended or deferred actions. This means that, in the right positive concentration, there are no dreams of awakening or fantastical imagination.

But, the mind during the stage of Post-voluntary concentration or the state of intellectual restriction is using all of its maximum abilities to accomplish a mental task. As attention, memory, rational thinking, the ability to imagine and creativity in order to perform complex mental challenges or to achieve a specific goal.

You actually focus on the task before you. Assume that it is a lesson study, but you restrict your mind in the goal. Which is to know and understand the information and this needs to many of your mental potential.

2-In terms of the level

The mind, during the positive concentration focuses only on the current task and nothing else. The mind discards and exposes (with much effort) all sources of external and internal distraction such as your thoughts and questions about things not related to focus.

The mind, during the Post-voluntary concentration needs to exploit and use all the possibilities and functions that cooperation and combined together to achieve the current task.

And when the mind performs a mental task it should use and manage five mental functions simultaneously (attention, memory, thinking, perception, management of tendencies and expectations).  It must also reject and displace all sources of dispersion and interference for the purpose of the specified goal to be accomplished with a given time range. But, with the engagement of many of the mind functions in the specific task it can easily work out the process of exclusion.

3-In terms of the discipline factor:

The Mind through positive concentration requires attention control, and this requires controlling a lot of external or internal things that interfere with the completion of the task . And this requires a strong will of man because this focus requires (discipline) to catch attention and other things to lead the mind in the direction of the target.

But, the mind during the stage of Post-voluntary concentration or in the intellectual restriction requires that you adjust to your understanding and ability to recognize and your thoughts and feelings and your impulses and also your movements.

Discipline during a state of intellectual restriction is different. It requires from you to be an expert in identify (what do you want?!) You may be surprised from yourself when you do not know what you are aiming for or doing from studying a lesson or topic.

The mind, during the state of intellectual restriction requires professional control and high abilities in positive concentration. So that you can accomplish any task that leads to the goal within a specific time.

When you improve your positive concentration you make it easy to adjust your mental circles to the point where your mind begins to make shorter special paths to perform the task required. These changes in your mind ensure that all your mental abilities are alerted so that they can come together to overcome any difficulties.

How to train your mind to reach a state of involuntary focus:

1-To enter the stage of Post-voluntary concentration during the course of doing something you must create interest in this work first! Where attention helps push the process of positive concentration forward and increase its intensity and not to enter the phase of dispersion. And all this in turn improves the process of perception.

The more dedicated you are, to what you do or study, the more you can concentration and thus improve your degree of success for this work or learn more effectively. And by increasing your interest in understanding certain subject information you are more likely increasing your desire to understand and perceive any information.

There is no concentration at all without interest and concern! That means that if you are doing a job or a task that has no attraction or meaning to you, you will not have an incentive to concentration. Even easy work, does not involve man in a state of intellectual restriction or the exclusion, but rather difficult work that challenges his mental potential.

Therefore, we recommend that you always start by studying the material that excites your curiosity and inquisitiveness to learn more. This in turn creates the necessary attention to enter the initial positive concentration stage.

But, what do I do when I concentrate on studying topics I do not like?

1-Create interest:
Before you study one of these topics, you must create an interest in this subject and clarify the feelings of its importance. In a way that leads to your inner conviction of its importance and the need to focus on it. For example, say that this subject is a degree that I have to go over it to reach the top. And if I do not do I will remain in the bottom, and the climb is cumbersome and tired, but if I did it I will not come down again!

You can also generate your motivation to do the concentration process by highlighting the fun factor in the task before you. This creates new motives for continuing the concentration process. Otherwise, your mind will resist any attempt to focus.

To do this, challenge yourself to comprehend and understand every piece of the subject you do not like because attention to detail helps the concentration process. Or compete with yourself to understand any idea in the subject of the lesson during a specific time and then reward yourself if successful. And here you need to use your ability to think positively with the possession of emotions support.

2-Perform Concentration and mental work in an organized manner:

Because the confusion and the resulting stress is the main enemy to continue to focus and limit it. There is a definite positive relationship between the lack of order and stress, as well as the relationship between stress and lack of attention. Many people have great mental and intellectual abilities, but they waste them by poor organization and use.

You will find a lot of topics to concentrate on. But, focus your mind on each topic before moving to focus on another topic because the best concentration is to position on only one subject. When the concentration is on one subject in a specific period of time without attention to any external distractions whenever the concentration becomes easy on the brain.

3-Improve your ability to concentrate positively:

Access to this situation requires that you have a strong ability to concentrate positively as prerequisites to access this situation (the state of intellectual restriction or the exclusion). This means that you must be professional in aligning your thoughts, emotions, expectations, and actions to match the task you need to perform for a long period of time. While removing any obstacles or distractions that appear to you.

So, you have to work hard and patiently on the process of concentration. And focus the attention on the subject slowly because perseverance in exert the effort and continuity in it will always create such a transformation.

4-Continuous and systematic monitoring and follow-up:

You need to monitor yourself during the positive concentrate process to see what is bothering you, or distracting your mind during this process. Is it your thoughts and dreams or external noise or are you simply not able to continue the focus for long enough to get you into the stage of Post-voluntary concentration.

However, despite the difficulty of systematic mental control and the large number of requirements and effort required. But, mental control turns over time into automatic control, One does it without thinking and makes little effort to complete it.

Is it possible to maintain concentration in noise during the work or study?

Some people say that they can work in the noise without being affected. You may even notice that some students are studying their lessons with loud music around! Do they have a high ability to concentrate or the natural concentration of the human being is not affected by this degree?

Some scientific experiments have been conducted on this subject and have shown that the effect of noise as a dispersion factor of concentration depends on certain factors.

Type of work
Mental work like answering arithmetical problems, for example, is more susceptible to noise than simple technical work such as running a machine, cleaning utensils or driving.

Noise type
Continuous noise is less effective in dispersing the concentration than intermittent or unusual noise. For example, you can concentrate in reading a book while you are sitting in the train and its noisy path.

An individual's perception of noise
If a person considers noise as a necessary and can't work without it, such as the noise of factory machines. The noise in this case is not a source of disturbance or distraction.

Motivation of the individual to work
One can produce in noise just as he produces in calm, on condition that its motivation for action is strong. But, the person needs to make an effort that increases more directly by increasing the scattered effect of noise.

This effort is made by the person to overcome the noise effect may be too great. Leading to fatigue and tension which in turn lead to poor concentration that leads to an increase in the percentage of errors in work.

To illustrate this, for example:
Suppose you are integrated into your study and busy understanding the information. Here, you are in the highest stages of concentration on the topic you are studying, and then there is sudden noise outside your room. What happens during this situation?

The new stimulus (the sudden noise) will try to draw your attention to it to focus on it and keep you away from the mental task that you focus on with your mind, which is (the study) and this means (distraction).

Any natural person in this case will go to one of two directions:
-Either stop studying and get out of the room to see what happens!
-Or continue to work (study) without considering the distraction.

The question now is: Do your mind's ability to concentrate on studying is affected by what 
Any action you do when your mind is distracted by another intruder stimulus must be less efficient in 
its performance. This negative effect increases if the new stimulus is strong and has some attention-grabbing characteristics. So, either exert more to focus your attention on studying the subject or respond to the exotic (noise) and lose your concentration completely.

Obviously, it's hard to focus when the noise of people breaks through your concentration atmosphere. So close your room door and windows and also turn off, your phone so you do not drift easy for a conversation unrelated to the subject you are studying.

Do not let anyone distract you and adapt to live for your moment and to confine your mind to what you do. And forget or condone all the other problems and concerns.

Does concentration weaken with age?

At first people do not have problems with attention, every second your mind pays attention to something or an event. For example, your mind can focus when reading a book, talking to someone, or even looking at a window and paying attention to someone walking in the street.

So your attention is excellent as a human being, but the problem lies in concentration or focusing attention on the task ahead of you for a long time.

But, scientific research confirms that concentration is not affected by age. Your older brain can focus on mental tasks and mental issues such as reading or writing, even in an atmosphere of loud fanfare and noise. Progress in age does not deprive a person of this ability.

However, a very strong stimulus may appear and make you lose this concentration. For example, you can read the newspaper with the sound of the television. But, your concentration will be lost as soon as you hear the crack of a car wheel in the street.

Your mind quickly avoids the confusion and return to the concentration necessary to accomplish the work you want, which is to read the topic you want to know more about.

It may be that the negative attitude of concentration is the most severe constraint because man often behaves according to his beliefs. If you think from inside that you are unable to concentrate, you will not be able to.

But, when you have goals and aspirations that need your concentration to achieve them. It is easy to be convinced that your concentration is strong and that you can focus more and more. When you believe in yourself and your abilities, your subconscious mind begins to be convinced.

Use positive affirmation to convince your subconscious mind that your concentration is sharp and strong:

In order to use confirmation method, take a paper and write these phrases:
-My conscious mind is sharp and alert
-I can focus and concentrate strongly and fully
-I can continue to concentrate to the extreme
-I can focus precisely
-I can concentrate fully on what I want and anything or any obstacle cannot hinder me
-When I focus on something I sense a wonderful feeling

Memorize these statements by heart! So, you can repeat them all or repeat one of them ten times or more before dealing with the problem or subject that needs your concentrate.

When you make these positive affirmations your subconscious mind will be easily convinced and work with your conscious mind, to perform difficult and long mental tasks. And therefore you will have a sharper and more alert mind than strength of your current mind.

The least thing these positive affirmations do is to protect yourself from feeling inferior or weak when you face a lesson or subject that requires your full focus and concentration.

Best habits to improve and develop concentration

These are habits and practical methods we have chosen for you on the right experience and practice proved their usefulness. All you have to do is try one for a certain period of time to remove from your mind a state of poor concentration and mental breakdown.

1-Understand your vital rhythms:

Approximately 50 physiological processes in the human body have been identified exposed to frequent fluctuations in daily cycles, and the course of any physiological process called a vital rhythm. These vital rhythms are very conservative and the body organs continue to work according to rhythm. And the imbalance in the compatibility of any vital rhythm means exhaustion or illness, for example changing sleep times and vigilance leads to mental dispersion

And when you are exposed to the disruption of your vital rhythm confusion occurs of the cycles of your hormones and mental activity. So the respect of vital rhythms and compatibility is the best way to health and wellness.

Man has two peaks of his mental vital rhythm, the first between 11 and 13 and the second between 17 and 20. So save this peak period for the most important mental tasks you should do, such as studying difficult topics or making important decisions.

2- Select a simple occupancy plan

Your inability to concentrate its main cause not to give your mind a specific vision, simple work plan, or even a specific project that you have to accomplishing. And therefore you do not accomplish anything.

So keep a small diary to record what you want to do from activities and works throughout the day. The least thing you do before you go out of the house is to write on a paper or clip what you intend to do from projects or work plans. Then, put them in your pocket to constantly review them. Then, stick to just one task or project, and if you do it, mark what has been done in your paper.

3-Show your interest in the presented topic

When you engage in a discussion with someone, give your attention to what your interlocutor says. And limit what he says in points or summary so that you can respond to all the issues that were mentioned in his speech and require you to respond appropriately.

And keep away from your mind any interest in what this person wears or what he does with his hand or what is done, from abnormal movements.
Or even what your mind keeps from the memories of the past about him, keep all your mind away and focus only on the content of his words.

You can also follow an event or topic on the TV screen from the start to the finish step-by-step. Follow the full story of an earthquake in a country (even if it does not concern you), or track, for example, fire in a building or forest.
Or know more about a military invasion from one country to another, following up, focusing on details and tracking developments usually enriches your overall ability to concentrate.

4-Be the discovering person and solution-oriented

When you think about a problem, there is always a distraction of your thoughts! You have not trained your mind enough to be a tool to solve problems and puzzles and uncover solutions. And so everyone runs away from problems because their minds are too weak to concentrate enough to discover the solution.

So, you have to choose a specific problem you are constantly facing and press on your mind to analyze this problem. Do not move from one idea to another quickly, but rather stand at each idea and took it as if you were contemplating a scene in front of you. This will help you concentrate and stabilize attention.

And when you try to find the solution to any dilemma you face, you become positive and your concentration becomes an easy matter for your amazing mind. Also, to make your mind fit for super concentration you have to play a lot of mental games such as chess, crossword puzzles, memory games, creative games! Any game that makes your mind think analytically, rationally and creatively, this trains your mind on the process of concentration and improved attention

5-Run to get rid of black thoughts

When you feel that your mind is full of bad thoughts and black feelings that prevent you from focusing on a task or problem stand in your way. You have to do exercises like walking or running.

Through these exercises, you get large quantities of endorphins that is naturally released by your brain. And this hormone will help you clear your mind from any black or troubled thoughts.

How to recover your focus when lost during a lesson or discussion

When  you are in a lecture or listen to a lesson your mind becomes more dispersed and confused whenever you enter into it more information and ideas. And also the more external influences you get into your mind during mental work, the less you concentrate until your mind is completely out of focus on the subject. And you will need a method or technique that will help you regain the concentration you lost while listening to a lesson or lecture.

The human mind has a mechanism people do not know much about how they work, so they think they have full control over their minds! But, in reality they do not know that their minds can take control of them! However, you can easily make your mind your servant instead of being your master through this magic sentence (Come my mind to the present and the current moment). When you say it, you become the master and start again focusing on the subject matter of the lesson.

Once you realize that your mind is distracted by thoughts and events outside the task it is supposed to focus on, say this magical phrase in your mind (my mind! Return to the present moment) and you will regain the state of attention and concentration that required

How to get high mental concentration during the school days and exams

1-Eat foods or tablets containing omega-3

What are omega-3 acids?
Omega-3 is a fatty substance extracted mostly from salmon, and this substance has an amazing effect on the brain where Omega-3 can improve concentration and also memory in many individuals, especially students.

Although this substance is a very important element for the mind and body, it cannot be produced by the human body! Which drives the body to obtain them from outside sources. The problem is that omega-3 cannot be adequately obtained by humans because of its low presence in food , compared to omega-6, which is available in all fast food.

This substance is also very important for improving concentration and attention in children or adults with Attention Deficit Disorder and Hyperactivity.

However, what is Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)?

Attention Deficit Disorder is a group of symptoms that negatively affect a person's ability to focus, attention and proper thinking. Which causes many bad symptoms such as mood swings and behavioral problems such as reckless and hyperactivity, as well as social problems such as introversion.

All of these symptoms persist until the age of puberty in about 60% of children with this disorder, and may require medical and psychological intervention to treat children with attention disorders to be able to study and live a normal life.

There are basic problems that appear to individuals with attention deficit disorder, one of these problems is the following

In this problem, a child with a lack of attention suffers from a lack of long-term attention. When the child needs to concentrate on the subject of the lesson, he cannot continue to pay attention or pay attention to it partially. And then distracts his concentrate from the subject quickly.

A child with Attention Deficit Disorder is overly overactive and misplaced, causing a lot of fatigue, which in turn leads to more mental distraction.
It is possible to treat Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder patients by following some healthy and salutary eating habits and using some dietary supplements containing omega-3 fatty acids.

Omega-3 benefits in improving concentration and attention in children and adults with Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder:

Omega-3 contains fatty acid (DHA). This acid is the primary fatty acid in the structure of the brain where the natural human brain contains at least 10% of its mass of this fatty acid because fatty acids are present in the membranes of brain cells where it helps transfer nerve signals.

The secret of the effect of omega-3 fatty acids (DHA, EPA) is that they directly affect the brain and nervous system. DHA is associated with chemical signals in nerve cells, helping them reach and pass through the walls of neurons, and even can transform to a part of its composition. Which plays the greatest impact in stimulating the potential of the neuron and the development of the brain as a whole.

And because the process of concentration depends on the transfer of nerve signals from one cell to another, then omega-3 fatty acids components improve concentration and attention to a large extent. As for the brain of children with Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder improves, and its ability and effectiveness to focus increases. Thus, its ability to attain learning enhancing and his behavior improves.

Therefore, doctors advise parents of these sick children to add omega-3 fatty acids to the diet of their (ADHD) children or to give them fish oil supplements. Omega-3 fatty acids reduce brain and attention disorders and thus strengthen their concentration and improve their intelligence.

The role of omega-3 in improving concentration in children and adults:

Numerous studies have demonstrated omega-3's ability to improve concentration, strengthen cognitive abilities of ordinary individuals, develop their memory, and even regulate and improve their sleep. The level of children or adults at different grades of study can also improve if they eat a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids regularly, where their minds are better able to pay attention compared to their current situation.

In a study done on children aged between seven and 10 years with impaired reading concentration, these children were subjected to specific doses and diets of omega-3, especially DHA or Docosahexaenoic acid, and the following happened:
-At first, their hours of sleep increased and their overall health improved.
-Their concentration and behavioral awareness have steadily improved.
-After several weeks, parents noticed a remarkable difference in the pupils' ability to concentrate and the ability to continue reading and remembering.
-In order to improve their ability to concentrate, their ability to remember improved, which in turn improved their levels of achievement.

Therefore, this study recommended that children and adolescents in the school years should eat fish at a rate of more than twice a week, with the importance of using omega-3 acids as an adjuvant treatment for those with a lack of concentration and attention.

Best sources of Omega-3

Omega-3 is found in small quantities in non-marine foods such as beef, soybeans, beans, and can be obtained from dark-colored vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, lettuce.

Omega-3 is found in raisins and nuts such as walnuts and flax seeds, also found in olive oil and soybean oil. However, the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids with its two components (DHA, EPA) are seafood such as salmon, sardines, shrimp, tuna, also found in marine algae.

The quantities to be taken from omega-3 foods to improve concentration:

Omega-rich fish should be eaten at an average rate (four to five times a week) as a main meal for people with impaired concentration that prevents them from performing mental tasks such as study or complex office work. And also for those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The natural person advised by doctors to eat fish twice a week to obtain a good amount of omega-3 helps in mental and psychological stability.

If this is out of the question due to your lifestyle or your lack of love for fish then you should eat supplements rich in omega-3 and containing the components (DHA, EPA) pure and center. These supplements are sold in pharmacies under the name of (fish oil capsules) or (Omega-3 capsules) and are taken as an alternative to foods rich in omega-3 and are difficult to eat it continuously.

We strongly caution that DHA and EPA components should be available in any food supplement and not less than 80% in any dietary supplement sold under the name of fish oil. Some supplements provide only 30% of the amount to be obtained in one capsule, which the remaining contains saturated fat.

Safe dose of omega-3 supplements:

It is necessary to ensure that the natural person receives a minimum (500 mg daily) of omega-3 fatty acids and containing the components (DHA, EPA). For children and adults with low concentration or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), doctors are advising to take a high dose of (5000 mg /day) Of omega-3 acids containing high intensification of the two components (DHA, EPA).

Which are taken as concentrated elements. Not in a mixture of other fatty acids to ensure that these elements play an effective role in improving the behavior and mind of the child or adult patient. And this amount is safe and do not cause fear of the occurrence of side-effects as reported in the Bulletin of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).

The difference in the intake of omega-3 fatty acids through food or supplements is that the use of fish oil supplements allow having greater doses of omega-3 fatty acids than are found in fish. However, fish oil supplements contain limited types of fatty acids. While fish contain many different types of fatty acids that improve the sensitivity of the brain to better absorption of omega-3 fatty acids.

2-Take your share of vitamin C the concentration enhancer
Studies show that students who took enough vitamin C were more focused on their studies than their peers who had low levels of vitamin C. However, scientists found that there is relationship between the lack of vitamin C in the students and the decline of their mental ability to concentrate and understanding and resolve exercise.

The statistics indicate that students who have an increase in the proportion of the presence of this vitamin in their blood obtained higher grades in many of the school tests. More than students who suffer from the lack of this vitamin in their blood

The secret is that vitamin C is important and essential to the overall human health and to its concentration as well:
-Vitamin C has a major role in the manufacture of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and has a role in increasing the absorption of the neurotransmitter (glutamate), whose function is to stimulate the mind to concentration and this leads to the improvement and the organization of learning and memory.

-This vitamin has a role in the release of neurotransmitters during neuronal connections, and this highlights its role in the movement and transmission of chemical neurotransmitters. Also, this vitamin directly affects the electrical brain pulses.

-Vitamin C has a clear role in the manufacture of collagen, which enters the structure of the basal membrane of blood vessels, especially in the brain. So low concentration of vitamin C has serious consequences for the safety of neurons and their functions. As for the increase in its concentration makes the opposite! Protects against strokes and preserves the mental abilities of young people and the elderly and reduces their suffering from dementia. And this is because the ability of this vitamin to support and strengthen brain cells.

-Vitamin C is an antioxidant that destroys any biological compound that affects the safety and efficacy of nerve cells. Vitamin C neutralizes free radicals that try to damage brain cells, it is the best shield to protect brain cells from any damage that causes by the free radicals to. And for all these reasons vitamin C is one of the best vitamins that protect against neurological disorders and relieve many mental diseases.

How to use Vitamin C to improve concentration:
In the beginning, we need to know that the body does not make vitamin C. It is, therefore, necessary that the person provides the daily needs of it during the periods of exhausting mental work. Whether from natural sources of food, especially fruits and fresh vegetables or from  vitamin C supplements and this is the best solution! This is because vitamin C does not enter the brain because the brain's membranes absorb only the formulations and materials, which is in the form of (fat soluble), and this prevents the brain from absorbing toxic substances.

The use of dietary supplements for vitamin C in the form of fat soluble form gives the brain the ability to absorb large amounts of vitamin C. And directly connect them to nerve cells. Which helps in the cleaning of free radicals and elimination of the products of oxidation processes. Which in turn leads to a significant improvement in the Brain ability to concentrate and cognition.

The recommended dosage is 500 milligrams capsule per day during the normal school days or mental work. This dose is increased to three capsules per day, 500 milligrams capsule every six hours throughout the periods of preparation for exhausting exams or in the performance of long-term mental work.

3-Eat foods and food supplements containing Acetyl-L Carnitine!!

What is Acetyle-L-Carnitine (ALCAR)? And what is its role ?

Acetyle-L-Carnitine is one of the primary neurotransmitters in the brain, it is produced naturally in the body by the liver and kidneys. Where it is derived from the amino acid known as Lysine

It is considered the best neurotransmitter for nerve messages in the brain. Where it passes quickly through the neural connections between neurons in the brain to transmit nerve signals, which improves brain function in general.

What is the importance of Acetyl-L-Carnitine to the Brain and mind?

1-Acetyl-L-carnitine improves concentration and mental clarity:
It has the ability to enhance the mind and improve focus greatly because it can cross the pathways of neural communication in the brain in a short period. Leading to a stronger focus.

2-Acetyl-L-carnitine improves thinking and activates the mind:
Acetyl l-carnitine is a substance that promotes receptors and nerve cells in the brain. Where it passes through nerve barriers in the brain to support brain functions leading to an improved baseline for almost all thought processes. For this you will feel more sharp in mind and a higher ability to think .

3-Acetyl-L-carnitine helps improve memory:
Acetyl l-carnitine also has a positive effect on memory by contributing to improving the trend memory and verbal memory. This neurotransmitter is also important for processes related to fixing memories and events as well as the recall process.

What is the best foods contain this compound?
This neurotransmitter is derived from the amino acid known as lysine, the main source of amino acids is known as proteins. Therefore, in general, acetyl carnitine is found in red meat, fish, poultry, dairy products and legumes.

When are these foods taken?
The brain excretes these neurotransmitters at the beginning of the morning between six and eight am. So if you are keen to take advantage of this neurotransmitter, you should take a protein meal at six or seven am on the day of study or exam.

What is the recommended dose of dietary supplements containing acetyl-carnitine?
You should take one capsule of Acetyl l-carnitine dietary supplement once or twice daily with water, but it is best to take Acetyl l-carnitine doses early in the day.

After eating the food supplement that contains Acetyl l-carnitine Express the brain quickly in a few minutes, which makes you feel alert and active and have a sharp focus and concentration ,also it works to improve your mood. 

Best exercises to strengthen mental concentration

through your career in life you will find that ideas get flounder and bump in your mind and almost crush your brain because of its intensity and its abundance. And the most terrible thing is that you need your mind, which is full of troubled thoughts, to perform many mental tasks that can only be performed through it.

What makes matters worse is your long-term daydreaming like other young men and women so that they usually have a big and negative impact on your concentration and ability to absorb information. Especially as the focus is strongly needed in your different learning stages.

And if you can clean your mind from conflicting thoughts and feelings you will get the focus you need to perform your works and mental tasks. Concentration is the most important skill to support any success you want to achieve in life.

At first, your natural ability to keep your mind in the state of attention to something specific or mental task may range from several seconds to several minutes. After which things and obstacles will stop you from continuing to concentration, such as:

1-External dispersants:
When your mind tries to absorb the lesson information, you will find that the annoying external sounds cause a severe distraction to the attention of your mind. And may impede the concentration process completely.

2-Mental exhaustion:
When your brain works a lot, it loses the ability to concentrate over time because the brain cells get tired and also due to poor access of nutrients to it. The brain burns a lot of energy to stay focused on the required task. Stress and tension also cause a lot of pressure on the brain and therefore adversely affect the ability to concentrate.

3-The wondering thoughts!
These ideas will go up to your mind as long as you are not comfortable with the subject before you or tired of pursuing his information and details.

4-Physical signals:
Concentration is a deliberate mental energy. If you are fatigued, tired or ill, you will not have the energy to use your mental abilities efficiently. First, you need to treat your health problems to regain your full ability to concentrate.

And these signals will come from your anxiety or stress or not static body. When your stress increases, these signals increase its severity until it reach the point of distracting your attention from the subject you need to concentrate on it. Therefore, you need (as a person who uses his mind constantly) to be able to handle and maintain control of the state of constant tension in order to direct your mental energy in a productive and profitable direction. And to maintain and develop this energy in this direction.

Know that the focus is a skill, to master it you have to practice and training on a daily basis as the athlete training his skills constantly. And this will need to train long and firm to be able to ultimately focus your mental strength on any subject and at any time.

You will have the problem of not being able to focus for a long time at first. Perhaps because you are preoccupied with other thoughts and not being able to keep them away. But, as you continue to train and within a few months you will be able to concentrate anytime, anywhere although there are many distractions and troublesome things.

We will offer you a lot of exercises that improve your ability to concentrate. And we recommend that you select only one exercise and give some time to practice it in order to improve your ability to focus and fight mental straying.

It is advisable to train on one exercise for ten days to 15 days before moving to a new exercise. So by continuing to learn and practice these exercises on a daily basis, you will find that you have become  a master of your mind. And can lead it in any mental task you encounter and Reach your purpose, despite the distractions and obstacles that will block your concentration.

1- Clockwise Exercise
 It is one of the simplest and best exercises to support the ability to concentrate and strengthen attention.

-Look at a clock with a rotating pointers or even a digital clock.
-Focus your thinking only on the hand of the seconds (or the seconds check box in the digital clock) and make your attention focused only on it.
-Say in your mind (one .. one .. one) as long as you follow the movement of the hand of the seconds. And this means that you concentrate in only one thing, which is the movement of the hand of the seconds.

-When an external idea suddenly jumps to your mind and you notice it, go to count (two, two, two, etc.) and whenever you come up with an idea, repeat its number in your mind until a minute is finished. Thus, you know the number of external ideas that leaked to your mind during exercise time. And you may be surprised by the number of ideas that jumped into your mind in one minute.

-Practice this exercise every day with an increase in focus to 15 minutes for a training session so you have the ability to control your mind's ability to focus. This skill training is like training the muscles. Continue to pressure on your mind and limit your attention on hand of the seconds for a few minutes or more. And you will find that your memory also improves because the focus and attention limitation is the key to enter any information to the memory of the long-term.

2-Countdown Exercise:
-You have to count the numbers down from 100 and even 1, one by one while you close your eyes such as (100, 99, 98,…1).

-After that, you have to count the numbers again down from 100 and up to one with two deductions of each number (100, 98, 96, etc.), and a third time with a discount of three with each number such as (100, 97, 94, 91, .... etc.), and a fourth time with a discount of four then a fifth time with a five discount with each descending countdown.

-If the countdown is difficult, perform it slowly. When you have mastered the concentration in this exercise, you will be able to count faster because a concentration becomes stronger

3-The exercise of focusing on one element!
Concentration is the ability to fix thinking on a certain point. Therefore, the ability to concentrate is essential to the human being because it is fundamental to thinking. The performance of any mental work is impossible without the ability to concentrate because any mental task forces us not to think about anything else.

And this ability varies from person to person, there are those who can concentrate a few seconds and there is a person who can concentrate for five minutes or more. And because the modern life we live prevents us from focusing and help distract our minds, so concentration needs training.

The exercise of focused on only one element will help you control your thoughts and discard the ideas that have nothing to do with your mind. To reach the highest level of vigilance with the speaker, understanding the lesson information or recognizing the event you are asked to focus on and understand its details.

How to perform the exercise:
-Before you start focusing, select something (pen, book, desk, etc.) to can concentrate on this thing or object for three to five minutes.

-For example, start focusing on one of the pens (the pen itself is not important and this is better to concentration) and try to focus your mind and interest on this pen and do not think about anything else, make all your thoughts and feelings only revolve around this pen.

-How long can you focus your thoughts on this pen? Ten seconds? .. minutes maximum! And then parasitic ideas have nothing to do with the pen will appear and then your thinking will be distracted in all directions leaving the pen completely.

What then? Training is required! Your mind needs to be forced to concentrate on the chosen element for a certain period of time. The mind, like a wild animal, wants to go right and left, but it has to be returned to the path it is supposed to walk. To focus on the element you choose by the forcing.

-It is, therefore, a matter of exerting effort to remove any idea that is alien to the thing for which concentration is required. So whenever you notice that your mind has begun to think about another topic or started to drift and get into other ideas about something far away. Immediately return it to thinking about the object or element which you should focus on. The important thing in the exercise is not to let your mind go away from thinking about this element. And getting into other ideas that are not related to the focus theme.

-You can initially allocate from one minute to three minutes each day to focus your mind on anything you choose. And each exercise will help you develop your ability to concentrate.  After a month of practicing this exercise on a daily basis, your focus will be sharp!  And you will find that your mind is able to pay attention to every event that passes through it. It also knows what it should do during any subject presented to it. And this qualifies you as a learner or student to remember any information during any stage of your learning.

4-Visual focus exercise
You must first be convinced that your human brain is strong and effective. And as Physical training can strengthen your muscles and your ability to withstand. Mental training also helps strengthen your ability to concentrate. In fact, strengthening concentration is one of the most powerful skills on the planet.

You can do this exercise while reading, for example, while you read in the subject of what you saw a word (moon), You have to focus your vision on this word and prevent your eyes from moving away from the letters of this word. And not moving to look at the other words in the subject.

Your eyes must be forced to look only at this word. This is called the focus of sight. In the meantime, you must prevent your mind from thinking about anything other than the word "moon".

5-The exercise of holding pictures of things in mind:
This is the best brain exercise you can use to strengthen your focus to reach a level of mental excellence that will make a lot of difference in your life. This happens through strengthening your ability to control your attention and concentration.

This exercise is designed to strengthen the ability of a person to control his attention. The more you train your mind to focus on one thing, the more your mind can concentrate.

When a person is able to keep an idea, a picture or something in his mind without distracting from any external thoughts or influences. He eventually gets a mind that can concentrate and is ready to do any tasks that need to be done.

How to do this training:
-Initially you will need a stopwatch or a timer that has an alarm that makes you know that the training session is over. And thus tracks your performance in time to develop your ability to focus on a mental task.

You will also need a paper and pencil to write your thoughts and experience during the exercise. And you have to choose a quiet place where no one can interrupt you.

-Make a simple picture in your mind like a circle, a triangle, a square! Just make sure the image is simple enough and clear without much effort at the beginning of the visualization process, and there should be a color for this shape.

-Start the stopwatch and start visualizing this simple shape in your mind for as long as possible in full form and color. Without changing the shape itself or changing its colors or dissolving in your imagination.

-When the shape disappears, changes, is distorted or twisted in another form, or when it is completely lost as a result of dispersing your mind with other ideas. Stop the stopwatch and exercise.

-Keep practicing this exercise every day so you can keep it in full shape for 15 minutes, and when you do that you have mastered control of your imagination as well as your concentration.

6-An advanced form of exercise to keep images of things in mind:
Meditation is a way in which the thinker, the ideas and the topic of thinking in a coherent unit. And when we use it, it will help us having a great mental ability. Which is the ability to control the thoughts and perceptions that are spin in our minds.

This exercise will instill in you an intense and deep concentration. So that in each situation you will be able to draw the most accurate details and visualize the situation, event or thing as much time as possible.

How to do the training:
-Try to focus on a particular thingummy or painting for a relatively long time. For example, look at a painting hanging on the wall and study all its formality and details. As the movement of the people in the painting, the colors of the painting, the shadows. Or the meaning of the gestures for each character in the painting, the movement of the brush.

-Continue to stare intensely at this painting so that none of its details will fall from your attention.

-Now close your eyes and check this painting in your mind and try to imagine it in its full form and in all its details.

-Open your eyes and look back at the drawing board to see how much you have been taken and how much you missed, then close your eyes and try again.

7-Road scan exercise
Sit on a comfortable chair and close your eyes. And try to remember the usual path where you walk continuously from the house to school, university or work, and vice versa.

Try to remember its features and boundaries, forms of buildings, shops, column colors, people you often see in a particular spot. And try to remember all the friends and colleagues you met at a particular place in this path. Or remember certain thoughts that have been roamed through your mind during your passage on this street or events you have seen overwhelmed your thinking and influenced your feelings.

This exercise will develop your ability to concentrate on the scenes and inner emotions. And because the development of the focus is very similar to the development of any muscle strength through practice and maintenance. So as to activate your concentration, train your brain cells to capture image Information in detail. But, neglecting this exercise completely affects your concentration on this issue.

8-The  exercise of Ideas restriction
Light a candle and then focus on the candle fire. Make sure you do not think about anything other than candlelight. You look at the fire, not the candle, the wall or anything, even if it is very close to the fire.

And during this exercise you train yourself not to move your eyes away from the light of the candle and not to stress in general. You should remain without movement and your body relaxed and your mind in a state of calm.

Now turn your thoughts to the ideas that revolve around the word fire like (light, heat, love, beauty, eternity, etc. ) And prevent your mind from going into ideas that it is not related to the center of thinking. Like thinking that you will ride the train after an hour to go a meeting or somewhere! Immediately abandon these parasitic ideas and return to the word "fire".

The door must be closed to the continuous stream of parasitic thoughts that disturb our inner calm, and the focus is restricted to the spot of optical light. The focus can be varied, which will help you direct your thinking and restrict it into a number of simple and meaningful ideas. The concentration is either a visual focus, in the sense that it revolves around a single point of light, or an acoustic focus on a single sound, or around one-taste or around one touch.

The method of (ideas restriction) is only an extension of concentration! It is the thinking that is centered on a specific path. And here the thinker is the one who guides and directs the path of the idea and holds it under his mercy. And is never allowed to lead it in the midst of parasitic thoughts

9-Three-phase breathing exercise
When you do this exercise once or twice a day and for several weeks you will find it has completely repaired your nervous system. So your brain does not reach the stage of a terrible conflict of thoughts and feelings that may reach you to the brink of insanity. And your mind will be more focused on the mental tasks required of it and you will get the same calm and tranquility you get from yoga exercises.

This exercise will cost you only three minutes to practice it while you are sitting in your office. And during the exercise you will breathe from your nose in three stages.

Stage 1: Take a long, slow inhalation for five repetitions.
Stage 2: Stop and hold breath also for five repetitions.
Stage 3: Then exhale slowly and for five repetitions.

If you are a gymnast or you are used to doing arduous work or even when you improve your performance for this exercise. You can increase the number of repetitions for each stage to ten repetitions and perhaps to twenty repetitions for each stage of breathing. This exercise also needs to be done at least twice a day, once during the day and again before bedtime as this exercise improves your mind's ability to attention and concentration.

10-Refreshing exercise
This exercise stimulates the brain with natural chemicals released by the brain itself. And these substances cause a lot of feelings of joy and pleasure and also allows the brain to regain its energy and start again in focus and hard mental work.

-Select any point above your level of 45 degrees and set your sights on it.

-Now think of something beautiful and delightful that has nothing to do with your study or mental work. For example, think about a happy party or event you've attended and made you feel a lot of joy or happiness. Or remember a happy event you have experienced and felt a lot of pride feelings and Highness. Or even thinking in the beautiful landscapes where you hear beautiful melodies or any beautiful scene you like to imagine. Just imagine that and you will immediately feel the feelings of joy and happiness.

Initially, the exercise will be 90 seconds, but you can extend the time to remember in detail all the events of the joyous occasion that you attended or happened to you.

This exercise, as well as its ability to improve mood, will also improve your ability to focus on reading or studying and thus increase the comprehension of information. This exercise helps you gather your distracted mind

11-Brain dump technique
The many interests cause dispersion and distract the human beings on a wide front, which are all areas of humanity and their interests. But, the concentration helps the person to determine his true direction and save him from the scattering of his efforts on a very wide front. And makes him focus his energies in a particular destination.

Interest is not enough to make a genius, it is only the force that puts man on the starting platform to the orbit of nobility, but work (concentration) to the end is the force that carries the human to the orbit of the genius and make him dwell in it.

Often, the difficulty of focusing is not the result of failure to identify a specific action or project that can be done! But, because of the choice of several projects at the same time.

If there are many commitments and obligations that you have identified. All of this will be crowded to attract your attention and therefore your mind will reject it all because of its inability to set priorities. Here, you will need a method or a technique to limit the business and obligations that require large focus and think from you, and also arranges these actions according to your ability to perform or according to their importance and urgency, recorded all this in a written paper to work on these projects and business one after the other.

The best way is to empty your mind with brain dump exercise, a technique that can take five to 10 minutes of your time, but it will save you from years of stress and anxiety. The reason you cannot direct your mind to accomplish the tasks you need is that your mind's job is to handle the information you receive from the environment around it. And when the information abounds multiply, the mind has a lot to deal with, but without any organization or arrangement according to correct priorities.

But, with this method, which will take only a few minutes to complete, you will make your mind go back to its normal course. Away from the ideas that cause its fragmentation and destruction making your mind more clear and focused. By regaining your depleted mental energy, you can reach your goals quickly and effortlessly.

The first phase of Brain dump technique:
You will first need several pens and sheets, take a sheet of paper and throw in it with all the things that concern you! Any idea that passes through your mind now, take it and empty it on this paper.

Your thoughts may revolve around your studies, your business, your finances, your emotional and social life, your dreams and your ambitions. Or your own culture may overwhelm on your mind!

You will find many things in your mind, the simplest is that you need to contact someone. And the maximum is your own hope or your big dream that needs to direct your entire life in particular to access it.

Just emptying all these ideas, dreams and aspirations on paper and without even arranging will make you feel better.

Phase 2: Identification of actions, projects, objectives

1-Determining the actions
Actions are the activities that you need to move or work to implement such as contact your classmate and this is a simple action that may occupy your brain now.

You can also consider the habits from (the actions) section such as physical exercise daily or sleep early. And you will see in the brain dump paper a lot of these habits that ask yourself to do it continuously.

Any action or habit you see in the brain dump paper should be marked next to it in blue.

2-Project Identification
A project is a series of actions and activities that must be done together to accomplish a certain thing or achieve a result, such as writing an article. For this project you will need to gather ideas and information first and then create and innovate a suitable image of the article and then write the article after that. You may need to print them, place them on your own blog, or publish them on your Facebook page.

Try to find these projects in the brain dump paper and mark next to it in green.

3-Goals and objectives Identification
The goal is what you want to achieve in the end, such as to succeed in excellence in the next exam. Or to improve your complex life and make it more sophisticated, this goal will require several projects and each project has a lot of actions.

Look for these goals and mark next to each goal in red.

Most people are mentally distract and bear a lot because they focus too much on unorganized actions in projects. And have no idea what their goals are or what they want to achieve in the near future. But, in this way they can identify the difference between actions, projects, objectives and separation between each group  of them

Phase 3: Prioritize these actions, projects and objectives
Here the order of priorities is not according to importance, but according to the ability to liquidate and remove many projects and actions.

Here you have to ask yourself: if you have implemented one of the goals, will you cancel another goal of your brain dump paper or cancel a project or cancel a lot of actions? If yes, here, this goal is in advance of the other goal that will be canceled, even if this nullified goal is important!

The whole thing revolves around your ability to accomplish and it is a limited ability and you have a simple time span (as a human). If this is not possible you should prioritize what you think is more important to your life. For example, your financial and economic goals if you achieve them, they will provide you with a better and more stable emotional and social life without any problems or concern. So, you will give these financial goals first place and give your social goals second place.


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