The story and its impact on the child's mindset
There are still wonderful visions in
our imagination, and there are people in them of magic, heroism and strength. And
the meanings of good, evil, ugliness, beauty, truth and virtue are still
measured against that old standard that was formulated by the bedtime story.
The old story is still the child's Preferable
world, he finds magical pleasure in the world of green forests, colorful roses
and palaces of ancient kings .. And its heroes of rabbits, foxes, and fairies
of lamps reveal to him about a form of relations between beings and nature. And
the relationship of creatures Each other, which develops the ability to
understand the reality around him.
Research in the close relationship
between old tales and the psyche of the young is very important, as these tales
have an impact on the young people's beliefs and views of things in the real
world that he lives with his parents and peers.
He learns from her heroes, Relax for
happy ends, the meaning of loss and death is disturbing when the story embodies
What should we do in order to
turn the world of the non-reality in the story into a positive world? From
which the young learns the values and principles of the society in which he lives and accepts
reality and faces its difficulties.
When we discuss the story, we must
confirm that building the best educational curricula-method and content-
depends essentially on the nature of those individuals who will receive it, or
aims to educate them.
Therefore, the breeding method of
parenting towards the young must take into account the characteristics
associated with each time age. And then take into account the individual
characteristics when dealing with their own children, and these characteristics
are related to the aspects of growth and its various fields.
These characteristics must be
recognized, then analyzed, and the requirements for guidance or development
traceable, and then the practical translation of the general concepts and their
Fantasy is the (kids) food to
see reality
Among the characteristics of early
childhood, children resort to imagination and invention, and this may lead to a
kind of conflict between truth and imagination. Children want to unleash their
imagination, while adults resort to pushing them to learn the truth and relate
to reality.
In order to avoid the continuation of
this conflict and the possibility of its negative consequences. We resort to
finding situations in which the two meet, the imagination and the reality. And
a distinction is made between them in a way that does not nullify the
imagination, and then it can be directed to the right direction. For example,
(the Fingertip) the story that tells the child that no matter how difficult and
complicated things seem, you have to face them.
You will not grow up and learn unless
you leave your home and encounter dangers in the world around you, which I mean
is the necessity of recommending to the young person the ability to distinguish
between reality and imagination so as not to reach the cause of compatibility
issues later.
Youngsters' cognitive
abilities grow using storytelling
But, does the child need to use the
imagination method in order to develop and grow an innovative ability? And does
not that count his role in obscuring the facts from the child?
With regard to the use of the
imagination method and its role in (blocking facts) from the eyes of young
people, it is the age level of development that determines the type of these
(facts), as many experiences that we can refer to (in advanced levels) are not
suitable for children in the first stage of life, Hence, using imagination is a
better way to give them experience.
Perhaps the best uses are in fairy
tales that adults weave to match their purposes. Or some young people weave it
either as an imitation of adults or to drop their questions or concerns. And
the responses of young people to these stories differ according to the culture
in which they are established. And any culture may not be free of some
Fictional stories associated with fictional creatures.
The story and socialization
Some of those fairy tales may be an
effective means in the process of socialization. Which includes using some
imaginary characters as effective methods of discipline and politeness. And
regardless of the exaggerations sometimes, these characters are the stories of
ogres, giants, evil demons and others.
And the stories on the other hand may
embody some of these characters by using some masks or wraps. Or children will
drop some of their characteristics to realistic characters such as: the
policeman who will arrest him and place him in a dark room full of many mice. And
other characters that the child can actually see in reality, but he is ignorant
of its true role.
Imagination becomes negative when a
young person watches on television, for example, another role for the policeman
mentioned in the story. And becomes confused between what adults say in their
stories and what he sees is in reality.
Deterrence stories
But, is it only used by parents to
use stories of deterrence with an intimidating character as a tool to control
behavior and direct children to conform to acceptable social behavior?
It is not possible to say with a
specific answer whether yes or no, but sometimes they resort to it to occupy
the free time of children or distract them. And there is a possibility that
they resort to it as a kind of dropping their fears in the form of stories with
a specific goal that deserves to be told to their young children.
We conclude from this that fairy
tales are not in themselves an intense evil, but rather something that is
necessary for childhood and poor guidance in (method or content) that leads to
negative results, as the use of fairy tales by fictional creatures may lead to
giving the child Severe fears.
The child is afraid of either a real
danger, or a danger he learned from these tales. Or a danger from phenomena
that he does not understand, such as lightning and thunder or death. So if this
unknown is accompanied by a fearful experience, this leads to a long-term
The necessity of fiction
And if we exclude these frightening
stories, this does not mean that we exclude all fairy tales, and we cannot
always attach evil to the jinn and the orcs. There are stories associated with
characters from the jinn, but they were not linked to real evils such as the genie
of the Aladdin lamp.
The child’s resort to the
interpretation of natural phenomena that they occurred for the sake of man. And
by those like him of beings with tremendous powers such as jinn (makes us) not
lose sight of the impact of such stories and how to use them. So one of the
famous psychologists asked his little girl .. who dug the sea? She told him a (large
genie) in the form of a person!
That is why children often perceive
the jinn as a person with distinct characteristics and superior capabilities.
Imagination is necessary and it is one of the distinguishing characteristics of
the tales of the young children.
The psychological
characteristics of the story
There are psychological features that
characterize literary works that have received wide acceptance from children in
their early stages of life. Whereby young children in their early childhood
times accept these stories or tales that express the idea of loss, deprivation
or loneliness.
As the child finds during the cradle
the event of the absence of his mother and then returns to him. And the mother
in relation to the child is the physical and emotional protection. And the
happiness of the child is repeated whenever the mother returns to him and
reinforces his desire to return protection.
Facing difficult life
And that desire for the return of
protection remains inherent in the child's subconscious, and it grows with him
throughout his life, and appears in happiness when the return of something dear
to him or person.
The imagination of the return of the
lost is one of the child's fantasies of the Ouedipi stage. But, is not the loss
of parents and the loss of children in the stories of the jinn and the alien
beings troublesome for the little ones?
There is no doubt that the greatest
difficulty faced by the young person lies in the abandonment of his family by
any image such as death or divorce, for example. And after research, the
stories of the jinn are very much concerned with the pain of the young and
their suffers of deprivation.
And if death was common in the old
days at birth, which caused the presence of children suffering orphans, divorce
at this time-which is inferior to death in order-causes children to face a kind
of unknown fate, and the result is almost the same, which is the suffers from
But, the fairy tales do not eliminate
the difficulty in these crucial matters for children and do not tell them: "Do
not care about things". But, it says and assures them that it is terrible
and great matters, but do not despair. Go out into the world and face its
problems and you will succeed in overcoming many obstacles. Just relying on
yourselves without your fathers, though you have always been skeptical of that
", it magically links them to reality!
How do we write the story?
The story should present a specific
idea or one simple topic that is related to the experiences of daily life and
reflects a simple imagination. And the story must advance in one path without
including secondary subcategories.
The scene of the story's events must
also be a specific place, such as a forest, a large palace or a school, and it
is better for the time-story area to be short, and other details (historical
and geographical) are listed in a quick introduction, and it is preferable that
the number of characters be few. But, on condition that it be distinct and
It remains to say that when the
little one tells you a dream that he saw or foretells you that he is suffering
about a problem that seems very difficult for him, you should not talk directly
to him about that, but tell him: Come .. we will tell you a story!
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