Does sleep make the mind sharp in the morning?
Otto Loewi, Nobel laureate of medicine in 1936, says
he once woke up with an idea about an experiment capable of proving his theory
of neurotransmitters. And Mendeleev had found a solution to his periodic
chemical schedule when he was out of a dream.
for the writer Mary Shelley, the author of the famous Frankenstein novel, which
she wrote in 1818, this novel was inspired by a violent nightmare that Mary
Shelley saw in her dream.
she tried to write something on paper, her mind was unable to produce any idea
or conception of what (her novel) would be. But, through one of the bad dreams
that Mary Shelley lived, she saw the idea of this novel, which has become an important
international novel.
Is the theory of Archimedes correct that the right bathroom and the
appropriate bed can match the intuition of genius?!
researchers from the University of Kwik and Cologne sought to know (does sleep
inspire the sharpness of mind) or the night is the better preacher, as it is
they prepare a masterful experimental design to see if a few hours of sleep can
make an ordinary human launch the famous Archimedes phrase "I found it!"
if only modestly!
they visualized a kind of numerical puzzle in which two simple rules could
reach the result after multiple stages. But, this digital divide function can
be solved by a third rule that remains tacit for the subjects in the test. The
goal is to find out if (sleep) is easy to discover this shortcut (rule three)
or not.
participants in three groups were asked to solve three computational sequences,
the first group had a right to a night's sleep afterwards, while the last two
groups stayed awake either at night or throughout the day.
this night (8 hours) everyone had to solve 10 sequences.
doubled the probability of detection (the hidden rule). It is among the 22
people who had the right to sleep, 13 were found the hidden rule for five in
the two groups who remained awake.
The result:
We are actually about a process of
mental insight into the task that facilitates the discovery of the underlying
rule. The secret is that the Hippocampus or the fifth gyrus of the brain
activates at night to play an essential role in learning processes from
previous experiences and inference with different cortical areas, this activity
of the brain (during sleeping) stimulates a mentality or (mental
reconstruction) that facilitates the emergence of the solution.
The question remains: How can I use this result to develop my life and
my mind?
(sleeping) inspires a sharp mind so you should sleep from 8-9 hours if you
learn or study. This amount of sleep will make your mind much sharpness in the
next day to absorb and understand the information you are required to study.
for the short period of sleep, the brain will actually erode. There are small
cells that resemble the shapes of stars spread in the tissue of the nervous
these stellar cells clean the brain by removing and discharging all the
products of destruction and erosion that have occurred throughout the day to
brain tissue. And this process is done during sleeping specifically.
lack of sleep hours less than normal causes an imbalance in the work of these
stellar cells as they devour the points of synapses. And in this way, instead
of cleaning the brain itself, it breaks down and hurts its nervous tissue
If you are facing a problem or a dilemma you cannot find a solution. All you
have to do is use the paper and pen to help your mind to think deeply about the
problem to get closer to understanding its dimensions.
enter a deep sleep for at least eight hours, and the next day you will find
that you have understood the dimensions of the problem better and you can now
discover the solution
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