Is the mozart effect true?

Mozart's effect is the effect of listening to Mozart's compositions and its reflection on the results of intelligence tests, in another meaning the ability of music to influence mental health and psychological well-being

Does listening to Mozart make your brain smarter? .. Does listening to his music at an early age have positive effects on the development of the mental abilities of young 

The answer is yes and these are the reasons:

1-Mozart music improves the ability to focus
A new study shows that listening to Mozart compositions increases the duration and depth of the focus, Listening to the quiet dance track known as Mozart's Miniature has increased the mental focus of a group of young people and older people and enabled them to lengthen the focus to finish a specific task properly.

So if you do some homework or tasks that need constant mental focus, we recommend you run a musical piece of Mozart's compositions

2-Mozart's music improves thinking ability
Some research conducted since 1993 has shown that listening to Mozart music can significantly enhance logical and rational thinking abilities, Because Mozart's music is able to activate the neurons in the brain cortex related to the functions of knowledge and perception which stimulates thinking.

So people who listen to Mozart's music show an increase in the activity of understanding, and problem solving at the brain regions, Mozart's music also increases the levels of dopamine in the brain, making the listener feel psychologically relaxed. Which leads to the strengthening of brain energy, which motivates the human to proficiency and creativity in detail which lead to master the work

If you are thinking about a solution to the problem of what you face in life, we advise you to relax on the sofa and run a Mozart music to help you think logical and creative to come out with innovative 
solutions to your problem.

 3-Mozart's music improves spatial intelligence
In 1993, the results of a study by neuroscientists at the University of California showed that students listening to a 10-minute Mozart's music show a temporary improvement in spatial-temporal reasoning.

This is what was revealed by one of the tests measuring the level of temporal spatial intelligence, which is known as the "folding paper" Which includes a presentation of a piece of paper that is folded in certain ways and cut on successive steps.

What is needed is to visualize and choose the correct resulting form among several different forms that are displayed once the paper is stretched.

Perhaps the best application of this study is to run one of Mozart's works when you are driving or during one of the explorations in places you do not know well.

4-Mozart's music strengthens memory
A study by the Italian University of Sapienza confirmed that listening to classical Mozart music has great effects on memory and comprehension. The music stimulates the left and right brain joints together, and the activity of these two regions simultaneously increases the ability to absorb and recall information.

When the left cerebral activates to understand and analyze information, the music stimulates the right cerebral, making the listener of music more intelligible and memorized.  In addition, listening to music is an important tool for remembering and retrieving precise details.

What experiences a person experiences while listening to music are more related to memory and easier to call back.

It is also known that the information associated with a particular song or melody is easier to remember when the learner reverts the musical melody associated with the information internally and this simply retrieves the information.

Of course, you can't compose a melody for every piece of information you want to keep in your memory, but listening to one of Mozart's works will remind you of your lessons.

Mozart's music have positive effects on IQ
The conclusion is that when you intend to learn and think, use classical music as a specific tool and stimulate your mental abilities.


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