how to keep brain active
In this article, we will show
the seven strangest ways to stimulate the brain. And knowing these methods and
applying them will make your mind qualified to perform any mental action and
your general intelligence will rise to higher levels.
We'll mention a lot of ways that can
help you boost your brain's energy and activate it to work better, thereby
increasing your overall intelligence.
1-Avoid sugar!!
Any type of simple carbohydrate can
form a kind of fog on the brain which may be called sugar blues, or cause a
sense of hyperactivity makes the brain is distracted from thinking properly as
a result of the flow of Insulin in the blood to treat the amount of sugars
eaten. So if you want to raise your brain energy you should avoid simple
carbohydrates such as lactose, fructose, glucose and sucrose. Instead, take
complex carbohydrates such as cereals, beans and potatoes.
2-Avoid fat
A lot of research has been done on
fat and I have determined that thinking becomes less and slower when we eat too
much fat in our food. Where fat reduces the ability of the brain to generate
neurotransmitters and the formation of neural connections.
If you have to eat fats in your food,
the fats should be unsaturated, such as olive oil, corn oil and some nuts such
as walnuts and peanuts.
3-Eat foods containing antioxidants
Antioxidants protect brain neurons from oxidation and breakdown, and the
foods that contain a lot of antioxidants are fruits, vegetables, beans and nuts
4-Avoid exposure to stress and anxiety
Scientists have found that prolonged exposure to stress and anxiety
leads to the destruction of nerve cells in the brain, which weakens the level
of memory and intelligence. Not to mention its negative effects on the body so
you should learn how to control your stress.
The simplest tip for relieving stress is to avoid caffeinated drinks,
including tea, coffee, soft drinks, and energy drinks that are full of caffeine.
And that have other side-effects when you drink them during the day, the least
being sleep disturbances and severe restlessness.
And there are people who have the ability to tolerate consuming large
quantities of caffeine from others, but tense people often have a high
sensitivity to caffeine. Which affects them negatively even if they drank one
cup of a drink that contains this substance as it will cause increased symptoms
of stress and their anxiety
Here these nervous people should calm their nerves by consuming some hot
drinks that relieve stress and help to combat nervous stress, including
cinnamon, mint, anise, chamomile and hibiscus tea. These drinks have a fresh smell and effect that imposes a state of
relaxation on your mind if you drink any drink in moderation.
5-Talk too much!
Speaking is the best brain exercise so try to explain something or
information to a friend to discuss and learn different perspectives. If you do
not find someone else you can talk to yourself out loud!!
Talking to yourself aloud stimulates memory to remember ideas better
also helps you produce more innovative ideas, or talk to imaginary friends in your mind to exchange information with
Which is an excellent way to extract information from your unconscious
mind, so imagine a conversation between you and someone else (invented in your
imagination) know more in a particular subject and you want to know his opinion
or ask for his advice
6-Do something new
When you start experimenting with something new, it stimulates your
brain, and may changes the structure of the brain completely. Where it creates
a new set of neural pathways between neurons to absorb what you are doing,
which raises your level of intelligence.
This new thing can be an unusual new way of running your business. Or
try a new recipe to cook in the kitchen or even practice a new set of exercise.
7-Be curious
Do not believe in the so-called determined cases and do not adhere to
customs because everything in this world can be changed, curious search makes you know a lot of new things, enhancing your mind's
ability to create new ideas.
Always be curious and keep this habit. It is usually excellent habit,
curiosity for the brain as electricity for the computer
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