Neuro linguistic programming techniques for mental superiority

These Neuro linguistic programming (NLP) have spread throughout the world and has been adopted by educational companies and institutions for children and adults. And its applications have become extended to the activities of developing skills of performance and goal setting, time management, strategic planning and creativity ... What is this NLP?

In the middle of the last century. a group of researchers at the University of Santa Cruz, USA, began to conduct research aimed at analyzing and exploring models that control human behavior. The aim was to establish models of excellent communication behavior among humans to be used with confidence by successful healers.

In the mid-seventies of the last century emerged this science and called it (NLP) by American scientists: Dr. John Grinder (linguist) and Richard Bandler (a mathematician and behavioral psychology scholar who was a computer programmer as well). This science has been used successfully to change people's negative beliefs, to control emotions, to eliminate irrational fears, panic, and to change negative behavior.

It is a science based on the discovery of many laws of interactions and stimuli of intellectual, sensory and behavioral governing the attitudes and responses of people of different personal styles.

This science developed in the 1980s , and its centers have spread and training institutes that teach its bases in the United States expanded and then extended to Britain and Europe.

What is (NLP)?

The term NLP is a translation of the English term Neuro Linguistic Programming science. The literal translation of this phrase is (linguistic neuro programming) or (linguistic programming of the nervous system).

This label came from the belief of the pioneers of this science that man was born on Nature instinct like any new computer. Consists of various parts in addition to the operating system. Which after a period of use to become a device has its own privacy because it contains programs and information distinguish it from all other computers. And so the human soon after a period of dealing with the environment around him to acquire his character that distinguishes him from others.

And comes (NLP) to put at the disposal of humanity rules that allow the management and use of the mind with a positive strategy to enable the impact and change this human. But, how?

Principles and rules of NLP

NLP is based on rules and principles derived by programming scientists through a series of studies and research, Most importantly:

1-The map of the world in our minds consist of information that reaches through the senses, language, values and beliefs that settle in us. And often this information contains false or true things based on beliefs that constrain us, disrupt our energies and hold our abilities.

Unfortunately, this map, with all its distortions, remains the main determinant of our behavior, our feelings and our achievements. And since everyone has his own map, he therefore sees the world and imagines it through this map exclusively.

The NLP scientists ask: cannot we change the outside world by making a change in the map? In the sense of changing what is in the mind of man and his awareness of this world in terms of that man can only see through this map itself.

2-Each person has two levels of mental cognition (the conscious mind and the unconscious mind) and each has specific functions. It is known that the "conscious mind" and, despite its limited abilities. It is that, which is programmed of the unconscious mind (The subconscious mind), which is not aware of things (In the  sense that does not understand logic), but behaves only according to its programming.

This programming is done in an unconscious way (external or subjective) through repetition of a claim that a person says to himself or hears, such as saying (I am afraid of boarding the plane), and this is accompanied by the sharing of feelings and sensations. The subconscious mind acquires this statement, programming itself on its basis and getting it out in time to prevent this person from boarding the plane.

This apprehension continues until a person decides to get rid of this fear. By using the conscious mind to programming the unconscious mind again in a form that eliminates this fear.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming Scientists wonder: Can conscious mind and unconscious mind be used to change a person's way of life to become happier, more creative, or…!?

The effect that occurs in the unconscious mind is done Systematically or unplanned. And by implication or repetition or NLP techniques we can influence the unconscious mind and bring about changing. For example, using the Melton model, the conscious mind of man can be occupied to reach the subconscious and influence him!

3-Human is the greatest resource and all the companies that have achieved great success are companies that treated people with respect and appreciation for their dignity. Which considered their workers partners and not tools.

4-Respect the other and accept him as he is and stay away from criticism of his actions. Do not get angry when you cannot change others as you want them to be because you actually find it difficult to change yourself as you want to be.

5-If you always do what you used to do, you always get what you used to get. So if you do not get a result of what you do, do something else.

6- If you want to change your condition, change your behavior, your feelings or thoughts by changing your breathing, posture, facial expressions, the level of movements, thoughts, etc.

This shows that NLP methods is capable of changing the mental state of man and others at the time he wishes, and these methods make these changes permanent or temporary. And if we can change the state of mind we could change behavior. Which includes habits and relationships and skills and abilities and performance, as well as change the feeling and thinking!!

7-Each behavior has its own curriculum of skill acquisition and programming, and NLP performs this task. It is also through (extraction) we can identify the system representative of the other. And so we can learn to read the ideas of the other with the same skill that we learn to read a book or map.

8-Through (calibration) we can identify the physiological changes that occur on the person when moving from one state of mind to another. And then use these changes to identify his mental state later.

9-Through (familiarity) we have the ability to penetrate the world of the individual and make him feel that we understand better. And that there is a strong bond between us and between him and therefore we can lead his behavior.

And for familiarity several levels (voice tone, body physiology, expressions of understanding, beliefs, values and ideals), so we can improve communication and dealing with others.

10-There are five pillars of success and excellence: goal setting clearly, faith in goal achievement, information gathering and power of observation (sensory alertness), willingness to change (flexibility), start work.

It can be said that NLP is a science that reveals to us the internal human world and its potential energies and provides us with tools and skills in which we can identify the personality of man, his way of thinking, behavior, performance and its values, and obstacles that stand in the way of his creativity and excellence. And also provide us with tools and methods that can bring about required positive change in human thinking, his behavior, feeling, and his ability to achieve its objectives. All according to experimental laws can be tested and measured.

Neuro linguistic programming (NLP) Techniques:

1-The Three location Technique: Aims to balance our point of view and the views of others to objective, balanced and correct behavior.
2-Docking Technique: Its goal is to change behavior, solve problems and cure fear or illusion, used by leaders, businessmen, salesmen, and in all humanitarian activities.
3-Technique of tempering: in order to change habits.
4-Visual-sensory separation technique: for the treatment of phantom fears that have no basis, and the technique of double separation to treat severe phobia.
5-Timeline technique: Through it we can change personality by changing the way that man stores memories of childhood and boyhood. It can also eliminate negative emotions.
6-Technique of diversion: to get rid of bad habits by distinguishing between behavior and intent.
7-S.C.O.R.E. technique in solving all problems systematically and smoothly.
8-Disney's technique in creating and innovate new ideas.
9-The use of Satir technique in public speaking.

By using this vast amount of proven principles, facts and techniques, NLP scientists have been able to achieve remarkable achievements so that they can make this human being able to use his mind as best he can. NLP also opened up to him the delicate secrets of the human psyche and thus became able to invest it in a manner that leads to the development of his abilities and talents to the extent was not envisaged before, and also able to influence effectively in others and in finding the best solutions to his problems.

They tell the truth when they were described that NLP was a systematic way of understanding the structure of the human psyche and dealing with it in new ways. So that it can be decisive and rapid in the process of understanding, perception, thought and feeling. And thus in behavior, skills, physical and Intellectual and psychological human performance.

Through the means of influencing the unconscious mind they controlled the physical and psychological energy of man. In the light of their understanding that this unconscious mind is a neutral energy that has the ability to transform man to a comprehensive change of the best.

They have discovered many ways in order to occupy the conscious mind and reach it to control the unconscious mind such as (Contradiction, Hypnosis, Milton model, transformational derivation, Satir strategy ... etc. )

Since each behavior has a positive intent, Through the technique of "diversion", they were able to dive deep into the human being and determine the behavior they want to change after contacting the part responsible for its generation. And conducting dialogue with it in order to separate the intent from the behavior. And also to contact the creative part to find alternatives. And then negotiate with the responsible part of the mind about accepting these new alternatives to achieve its noble goals. And ensure the consent of all other parts of the mind to this change.

And by devising a strategy of behavior they were able to identify the way people think before making decisions and how they respond to stimuli (their behavior). As a result of the analysis of this strategy (analysis of variance between patterns), they determined the best strategy by selecting the least number of steps and thus eliminating unnecessary ones. The alternative strategy is thus easily accessible by means of several methods (anchoring, diversion, Stabilization).

Neuro-linguistic programming scientists addressed phobias in both simple and severe forms using visual-sensory separation (or double separation), and were able to change behavior and alter emotions by influencing the mental state of man using the seven modes.

Thus, NLP could be used in various human activities and fields and thus entered into various types of applications. And received by major international companies to use them in all their practices. Especially training and qualification, developing performance skills, acquiring mental skills, developing incentives for work and production, developing creative thinking. And using them in setting goals, developing strategic plans, meeting management. And motivating employees.

And the techniques of NLP adopted by advertising and publicity experts in planning their propaganda programs and developing strategies for action and mapping their implementation.

The men of education and learning relied on them to identify methods and ways to increase the speed of learning. And trigger and suspense students to study and improve the performance of teachers and increase the effectiveness of the means of illustration. And Develop the ability to innovate and sharpen the ability to think, improve behavior and leave harmful habits

Psychologists and sociologists used language programming techniques to increase self-confidence, regulate emotions, relieve psychological pain, and solve personal, family and emotional problems. And used by psychiatrists in the treatment of depression and stress, and the elimination of fear and increased self-confidence

While the management and business scientists and their experts found a golden opportunity to benefit from this programming tools and skills. To identify the human perception and his way of thinking and behavior and performance and values and obstacles that stand in the way of creativity. And also to benefit from the means provided by and ways to make the desired change in human behavior and his thinking and ability to achieve its goals. These scientists used these discoveries to reach breakthroughs in strategic planning, goal setting, decision making, employee motivation and problem solving.

The applications of NLP in the world have extended to everything related to human mental activity, Psychological and physical health, etc. We will review here very important applications of NLP techniques to reach the highest psychological and mental performance that qualifies for excellence and superiority, Which:

-Neuro-linguistic programming by confirmations
-NLP with positive suggestion
-Programming with positive mental message

First: Neuro-linguistic programming by confirmations or Affirmation

Affirmation is an explicit statement directed to the subconscious mind of the human being or signals sent systematically to the subconscious mind. Which works secretly in the background of your mind. For example, if I certify that I am a chemist, this is a confirmation (even if this is not true), confirmation is placed on the fact that the (subconscious mind) does not object to the ideas and statements it gives, it simply accepts everything.

This method is widely used to rearrange and organize established ideas and beliefs based on incorrect foundations. So it is a very powerful way to introduce a quick and permanent change to your mind.

The negatively programmed mind affected by the confirmations method, in many cases you can program your mind again and that through:

Showing the flaws of your thoughts and negative beliefs in front of the mirror of constructive criticism. And to poke the conscious mind to waking up from his passivity. And then programming what the mind previously learned from the wrong and negative things to another situation more positive. By activating the conscious mind sending warning signals to the unconscious mind to empties a lot of its negative contents.

The power of these signals can be amplified and deepened by writing these confirmations. It will affect your conscious mind and make it so that, at similar events, your conscious mind will alert you boldly because you have previously programmed it positively. This increases the life experience of the person and helps him deal with similar situations.

It should be noted that the assurances used in brainwashing, especially with the use of some modern devices and some high techniques. The affirmation is really very influential because, in any case, we talk to ourselves and put more than 60,000 ideas in our minds daily. So why not fill your mind with good and decent ideas? You will see for yourself that happiness and supremacy depend on how you think.

Professor John Erickson said: I found that I was able to find energy, find the determination to continue the path. And learned that my mind could astonish my body if I could say to myself: "I can do it, I can do it, I can!".

The confirmations are also internal self-explanatory. It is necessary for us to highlight the self-contained wishes of the suppressed desires, to show them on the outside, to analyze them, to know how closely reality is related to them. And how to achieve these desires whether it is emotional desires or aspirations reflect the state of the person and his ambition to show his talents. Or to show the aspects of internal innovation and the phenomenon in him.

How to control your subconscious mind!

In order to control your subconscious mind you have to know what the subconscious is, what its capacity are, and what is its function? You also need to know how to get rid of bad thoughts, diseases, habits and behaviors using this mind.

At first, does man have two mind?

In fact, every human being has one mind, but the mind has two distinct nature for performing two tasks. And the tasks they perform are not the same, each task has characteristics. But, the label used to distinguish between the two minds is the conscious mind and the subconscious mind.

Characteristics of the conscious mind:
- Logical
- Aware of what is happening now
- His concentration is limited
-It can program the subconscious, it is possible for him to give useful or useless information to the subconscious mind.
-It can change to the better if convinced, and thus change the subconscious to the best.

What is the subconscious mind?

-It is the unconscious and intangible part of the mind. It is also considered a center of emotions and heart. It is the one who controls and can direct mental and physical energy because it is the engine of emotions and takes everything personally.

-It is like the archive (or store) section of the mind, it keeps things that the conscious mind perceives as transient and has no value. So, you find that it keeps all the information since a person was a child.

- It stores memories and organizes them, so if you want to change your life, change your memories.

- It is the place where habits are recorded , whether it was good or ugly, it is also a factory of habits where it needs 6: 21 days until the habit becomes constant

-It is also a warehouse of skills where it works 24 hours a day.

-The subconscious mind also affects the conscious mind! The subconscious directly affects the conscious mind of the human being and his actions even if the mind is not aware that this effect emanates from within it. Especially from the subconscious mind. For example, why is a person often too confident of himself when speaking on a particular subject, and then someone else makes a ridiculous comment in his way of thinking

And then slowly the person begins to distrust himself indeed. His image starts to vibrate. This happens when a person accepts this and begins to think about it. This comment will fall into the subconscious which recognizes its validity without scrutiny! And sends messages of obedience to the conscious mind, which is strongly affected. But, if the person does not allow the other to discourage his determination, things will be done to the fullest

Your subconscious mind accepts your action program!

Your psychological talk to your mind is silent and inaudible, yet it is real! The most fundamental and far-reaching activity in your life is what you construct and build in your mind during every hour of your vigilance.

You are building your mental home all the time by:

1-The scenes which you see again and hear in the hidden studio in your subconscious mind: You can create happiness, success and sparkling health through the scenes you have seen and in the hidden studio within your mind

2-The Ideas that rage in your mind: If you rephrase your thoughts and perceptions hour by hour and moment by moment in a program of work to build a sparkling healthy life, achieve practical success and happiness. Or acquire life and learning skills, the subconscious will rebuild your mental house.

In the end, you have to consider your subconscious as a garden that you are planting. You are sowing the seeds (thoughts) in your garden (your subconscious mind) throughout the day. And if you sow love and peace (for example) in your subconscious mind, you will reap the implant in your body and your mind and therefore your good life.

3-Beliefs that you previously accepted:
The subconscious responds to positive affirmations. The more I say, I am satisfied with myself and my morale is wonderful! This talk goes to the subconscious and moves it in your favor. So the subconscious becomes more active the more we trust it and the more we use it.

And you can achieve in your life and study more concentration and absorption and memory and knowledge by learning to connect to the capabilities of your subconscious mind. And take it out of the reservoir! You do not need to have those capabilities you already own, but you need to learn how to use them.

All you have to do is to develop a new plan or work program. And to quickly build in calm to achieve the peace of mind, harmony, goodness and happiness you seek in the following days. By pursuing these things and building them, your subconscious mind will accept your work program and begin to help you achieve all these things

The terms of the neuro-linguistic programming by confirmations

In order to program your mind for confirmations, you need things:

1-The confirmation must be positive:
Do not say (I am not a bad student), but say (I am an excellent and superior student), avoid the negative phrases, the language of the subconscious does not know the negatives and do not respond to programming this way.

2-Your confirmation should be in the present tense:
Do not say (I will become an excellent student), this is good, but he lacks the influence .. Instead, you can say: (I am an excellent student).

3-Your confirmations must be accompanied by strong feelings:
If you say, "I am a successful science student" without feeling or believing what you are saying, your subconscious mind will not accept this statement.

When you put a large amount of emotional energy in something you do not want or fear, the subconscious mind uses this energy only in the experiments you want to avoid.  Or avoid entering into these affairs or doing these things and therefore your subconscious mind or (your inner self) prevent you from doing things that you hate or fear.

Instead, and through (the confirmation method) free yourself by giving permission to do the things you want, which in turn (your inner self) will give you all the possibilities and in the end you will get what you want.

4-Your confirmations must be on realistic and logical grounds:
For example, if you write the following affirmation (I am a learner and an excellent student) you need proofs to convince yourself (or your subconscious mind) that you are an excellent student!

In this case, you should write an experience that confirms this claim (and that you are an excellent learner and student), and you should write on paper all experiences that confirm this meaning.

For example, someone wrote proofs such as: I am an excellent learner and student. This is true. I have a long history of superiority and the evidence that I was a superb student at the elementary and preparatory school. And I was one of the top students in high school.

I have a great ability to read intensively and learn, I can read a full book in a period of two hours. And I have borrowed forty books from a public library and read them in a month.

I learned many things about the nature of mind, teaching methods and neural programming in recent times.

Another person in order to prove his confirmations, he wrote the story of having an excellence degree of in the computer course. And he said: In order to get 100% on the computer exam I have taken the following steps:

-I attended all the lessons of this course and they numbered five lessons.
-I used to write notes and drafts by the professor, and I often write everything.
-I was also opening the helper for the program I was learning to know additional information and I was writing it down.
-I was active and insists on applying this information on the computer during the study period.
-When I came home I corrected the wrong words and putting lines down the important words from the notes I wrote.
-I used to study seriously and remembering the assignment information on a daily basis.
-I have worked on several papers in my memoir, in which I write the important expressions to be retrieved later.
-I had several books on computers from which I took some useful information.
-Ideas that took place in my mind? I must be the first during this session, I must! So, I have to be very serious and disciplined

5-Avoid comparison during the confirmation process:

Avoid putting yourself in comparison with people or circumstances or places because they simply involve competition or levels of actual achievement unrelated to the subconscious.

Do not take into account the impact of the circumstances surrounding you, they are interactive reasons and come with variable results, and from these conditions (environment / nature of place / time element).

You should not include what you do not have in your negative, what you have is your inner abilities and mental and Psychological energies. You also have your physical capabilities, and we do not mean just money. It also includes the nature of the body and other material.

6-Avoid fluctuation in your confirmations:

It was a story about the curse of hesitancy and fluctuation. It was about someone who found Aladdin's lamp. And that person was hardly asking for request from the genie until he changed his mind. And the movement of the genie became like a spindle, comes and goes without achieving anything.

And the genie here represents the subconscious or (inner self), most people have such a strong server that moves without achieving any goal, he tries to please the owner hard. But the owner meets him at every turn and let him down. To avoid this, you must be firmly in your confirmations.

Start by categorizing your affirmations, and make your affirmations clear and coherent by recognizing what you want most. And if any secondary desires overlap with the main desire, it is best for you to expel them.

7-Your confirmations should be brief:

Do not write or say long sentences, just specify the abbreviated, specific and purposeful sentence.

8-You have to program your mind and body together with affirmations:

Using statements as a way of reprogramming your mind may be useful, but you can get better results by programming your mind and body together! The theory behind NLP is that the language of your body strongly reflects your sense. So programming a new belief needs a new sense at both the physical and mental levels.

For example, suppose one of them was trying to change his frustration by using the "I'm happy" statement while he was sitting in the position of bending forward and head down with a sad expression on his face and breathing a shallow breath. The use of this person for this acknowledgment will not have a positive result because the body language does not fit with the doctrine that he tries to program. But, by adjusting the position of his body during his work with this acknowledgment, his temperament will surely change.

How to Program Mind and Body Together:

When you discover the feeling and sensation associated with acknowledgment, you will remember the physical state that best expresses this feeling as in the following:

- "I'm happy" acknowledgment
-Happiness is the sensation or feeling inside this acknowledgment.
-What is the physical state that you think best reflects this feeling?
-Think about it and remember it.

But, what if you have trouble remembering this sensation?

If you find it difficult to remember this sensation remember an incident in the past. Or an experience in which you have reached this sensation and remember with it the physical condition accompanying this sensation.

For example, you wrote "I am really confident of my success in the exam "In order to get a positive result and make this acknowledgment visible, you need to modify your body in a position appropriate to the new belief you have developed.

But, if you find it difficult to reach a sense of confidence follow the following scheme:

- Acknowledgment "I am really confident of my success in the exam".
- Trust yourself or confidence (feeling or sensation you do not know).
- Remember an experience where you have a sense of confidence.
- Remember this sensation.
- Remember the physical state you were in while you feel this wonderful sensation.

So if you find it difficult to get a sense of confidence about your success, you can remember any incident in the past where you felt confident. Close your eyes and think of them and remember your movement and breathing during that confident situation and adjust your body to suit your sense of that time.

Also change the position of your body and breathing to reflect this statement so that you sit straight back relaxed without spasm and your breathing is deep, reflecting your confidence.

9-You should repeat your affirmations daily or several times a day:

If you have to repeat the confirmation for a few days or from time to time, your confirmation will be low-impact. So it is important to repeat the confirmation daily and whenever possible.

Make your affirmations to install positive ideas

You can form your personal confirmation by doing the following:

A. Write down a list of ten things you want and find yourself in it (you can reduce the number so that it does not exceed ten, but find the assurances that suit you perfectly), and for example:
-I am an educated and an excellent student.
-What I learn raises my interest and desire
-I will learn easily and deeply
-I enter strongly the maximum of mental learning situations
-I will remember what I learn

B. Make your affirmations clear, coherent and essential by recognizing what you want most and eliminating any secondary affirmations if they overlap with the main affirmations.

C. Read these assertions in a loud voice -It should not be faint and not vulgar-to convey every psychological idea you want (emphasis) to an idea of mind, and repeat these phrases and words very slowly and quietly and leisurely.

D. Think about the meaning of each phrase
-Does this affirmation reflect what you really want?
-Are you really an excellent student?
-Do you have situations in your memory that prove it?
Write these positions that prove each of the words that you confirmed even if you did not reach the privilege in performance, but a step on the road.

E. Stay that way until you find yourself having lived in those affirmations, and the attitudes that you have proved have become part of you.

F. After you write these affirmations on paper, copy as many copies as you like, and then keep them in an accessible location. For example: put a copy in your bedroom, another in your library, a third in your pocketbook, and a fourth in the place where you are passing on it constantly.

G. You need to repeat these affirmations before bedtime and wake up (even if it is repeated directly from your mind) for days and weeks.

H. Be sure to read your affirmations whenever possible, especially before bedtime, so you are programming your unconscious mind with positive affirmations at the best of times. Read these affirmations early in the morning to continue programming your unconscious mind, so your day starts with a positive idea and good feelings.

Writing and echoing these affirmative words affect your subconscious mind. Where it is positive programmed to provide a margin to receive information and absorb it and to work more actively in your favor. You find yourself in educational situations and similar events that your subconscious mind is springy because you programmed it previously.

Other functions of the affirmation method

1- Use of affirmations to protect against negative psychological infection

The psychological infection affects our behavior, if the environment around you, is full of depression it will convey to you the feeling in your surroundings and it is of course (depression). The judgments, interpretations, and ideas of others (which are sometimes expressed only in body language and unconsciously) also affect you, as in the case of discomfort and impatience for the person behind you in the queue.

The best advice is "Integrate with positive colleagues since the start of the school year or session". Do not merge into a group of peers you may hear negative words that affect you or affect your psychology. And deal with positive and ambitious people who do their best.

And not to stand with your passive colleagues and talk to them before the exam! So as not to receive and absorb all their tension and concern and negative expectations for the next exam after a few minutes.

You should use the affirmations to counteract this negative psychological infection, the affirmations in themselves provide good protection and the skill of affirmation have a great impact on your protection. You can use the following phrases and make phrases like them:

-I am carefully protected by God Almighty.
-I am open to everything that is good, and closed to all that is undesirable.
-I control my mind therefore I am responsible for the results of my work.
-Things are better than we think
-If things are bad I'll make them better.
-Others control me for minutes, and my self-control lasts all day long.
-The most flexible person can control things more.

2- Use affirmations to protect against fears

The affirmations are used to save the self in a positive and not negative way of fear that may be represented in the following:
-The sneering looks of others
-Rejection and repulsion
-Negative assessment of yourself and others
-Inability to perform well and remember
-The inability to memorize and understand at a specific time

Do not turn your back on your fears, but confront them and face each fear with a solid and specific attitude and resist it with a set of positive thoughts. But, when you face the situation you have to draw the lesson and learn from the experience.

To get rid of unjustified fears try to change your negative dictionary to positive by two steps:

First: Raise any negative word from your mind that indicates weakness, inability and negative disposition.
Do not make them ever pass your mind, do not say it or utter it. And also delete any negative attitude you can take in the face of such fears such as healing trauma through isolation in your room.

Second, enter the following positive affirmations into your thinking:
-I am the owner of positive attitudes
-I must beat the pain.
-I will try and I will not say I cannot.
-I must explain my situation and its importance in life.
-I will withstand the hardships, I am a monster!

3- Use affirmations to break negative convictions
If you carry in yourself negative beliefs such as (I'm I'm a failure from inside and a bubble of nothing) it will lead you to blame yourself and the bad mood of others. And negative convictions are the hatstand of failure and expressed by sentences such as (difficult / impossible / I cannot), and here comes your turn to thwart those convictions that affect you negatively.

Now you need to focus your attention and remove the negative thoughts that are stuck in your mind. To break these negative convictions, do the following:

A.  You must emphasize your unique abilities and skills through the method of affirmation, so make sure to enter the following affirmative words into your mind
- What is possible for anyone in the world is possible for me.
- There is no failure, but accumulated experience.
- Do not despair with life and no life with despair.
- Pass the experiment is a learning method
- Learn your daily lessons from this life
- Focusing on what's going on around you make you learn a lot.

B. It is possible to break these negative convictions by thinking deeply about it and thinking deeply about your own potential. When the negative conviction fade or disappears from your mind you can make the right action.

C.  These negative convictions can be broken by experiencing and attempt, as these negative 
convictions are broken by an iron will that pave our way to the top of success.

4-Making use of affirmations to deepen life experiences

For example, realizing that you were naive and simpleton in a situation, you have to follow a positive affirmation approach by saying that:

Explain why this situation occurred and this foolishness occurred?  And here you have to avoid everything that is outside your will and has had an effective and negative impact in that event.  Just come out with a positive exhortation.

Repeat: What happened was foolishness and naivety, then say: I have to learn from that experience. You have to repeat what you learned from this experience, but while you are somewhere far from people.

Here are some general affirmations that can be used to program your mind:
-I believe in myself and my ability to succeed.
-I am an excellent student.
-I am a great listener.
-I can easily smile!
-My situation is improving more and more day by day in all respects.
-I can control my judgments and emotions easily.
-I love people and appreciate my presence with them.
-I love myself unconditionally.
-I am a great man of generosity and I am trying to help people.
-People love me, and like to surround me and consult me.

Second: Positive Inspiration technique

A senior psychiatrist said he treated a patient with an obsessive-compulsive disorder in a strange way, Where a patient entered his clinic wailing from the intensity of pain, the psychologist said to him: "I have a special injection that I give only to the big characters in the country, and it shows that you are a good person and worthy of this injection. Ten minutes and you will get rid of half the pain, and after a quarter of an hour, you will lose three quarters of the pain. After half an hour, the pain will be gone".

And actually the patient came out of the clinic and does not feel pain! But, the strange and mysterious thing that the psychologist said: "In fact, this injection was only an injection of nutrients and regular vitamins.

The psychologist convinced this patient of the illusion of disease pain with an illusion that was greater than the illusion of the disease and succeeded in treating it. You can also overcome your illusions with negative connotations through positive inspiration technique.

Positive inspiration is the beginning of the success road. When you think of success means that you are thinking positively!

"When we think positively, we actually program our subconscious mind to think positively, and positive thinking leads to positive actions in most of our life," says Professor Tony Buzan.

So the goal of positive inspiration technique is to convince your subconscious mind that you can overcome any problem you face and study any material required of you. The subconscious mind, like the child, Adores to be praised by people. If you praise it and enrich it a lot, it will not let you down, respond to such inspirations, and produce amazing results.

You can achieve this in a simplified way as follows:

-Inspire your subconscious mind to get healing, imagine yourself and you are in the best health and wellness and activity.
-Inspire your subconscious mind to arrive at the conviction that you are successful in your studies, imagining that you have earned the highest rating!
-Inspire your subconscious mind to be a bright, intelligent person, imagining yourself with this wonderful picture.

Positive Inspiration Degrees

1-Inspiration of the subconscious mind by repeating positive words and phrases that tighten your determination
For example, write in a paper:
-I'm bigger than any problem that face me
-I can easily overcome the burden of study
-I can afford a lot of burdens and loads

Through your daily chanting of these positive words and phrases and seeing the ideal situation, your subconscious mind will ensure your ability to overcome problems. And even help you, and you will actually find yourself having overcome your problems more easily.

2-Echoed positive phrases whenever you have difficulty in the study or in general life

Speak words that raise your morale in the study and praise yourself and encouraged it whenever you have difficulty or trouble. For example, if the professor gave you a long piece of foreign text to translate, raise your spirits and encourage yourself before you start with positive words such as:
-If this foreign text was written in hieroglyphics, I would translate it
-Tens of incomprehensible words have been translated by me.
-I will challenge myself in translating it in half an hour.

3-Positive pre-sleep Inspirations help to excel

The best time for positive inspirations, or in other words positive thinking, is the complete physical relaxation phase before you go to sleep. For example, if you are trying to raise your score more as a learner and trying to get a large sum in all materials. But, you did not succeed in this, try before sleeping to repeat positive words or phrases that stimulate you or tighten your determination like:

-I am smart and distinguished and I will get everything I want.
-I will be privileged and I will get an excellence in all my subjects this semester, God willing
-The superiors are not better than me and not preferable, which they have I have it, and I can have what they have.
-I trust in my memory and my mind.
-The information I read from the textbooks will be easily understood and remembered.
-The material (put any material you do not like to study) will be easy over time because I can study it simply and I will understand it.
-Tomorrow in the exam my nerves will be relaxed .. And my feelings very comfortable
When these positive phrases are repeated every day between you and yourself before bedtime. Your subconscious mind will help you in this matter and you will get the benefit that you wish for a long time. You will excel and get the full grades in all your tests.

But, be careful when you formulate the appropriate phrases for you!

-Do not write a very long sentence.
-You do not have to put more than one meaning in a sentence such as (I love mathematics and I will succeed in the English language ... etc. ).
-Do not put negative phrases or words like: (in this difficult exam I will succeed in God willing). Words such as "Difficult, Impossible, not Possible" should not be put into positive Inspiration.

4-How to be an encouraging and a motivating person for others

Apply this skill in your life and use positive words to raise the spirits of others:
A. The wife should never be nervous about her husband, but she says to her tired husband words like: Feel comfortable / Always smile / Expand your mind / Rest your nerves / My only pray is to be always all right. The wife always gets a positive result.

B. The mother with her children, does not have to say harsh words to them and be always very violent. Her pressure rises and her children feel hostile. But, the mother must say positive words always cause them to feel the tenderness and sympathy.

C. With the patient (and because he is always sick), so you have to repeat the good positive words on his ears and encourage him through words that raise morale and useful like:

-Your treatment is easy and simple
-Medical science has evolved and operations have become easy
-This is a test from God Almighty to test your patience and your ability to endure
-You will not feel any pain! And any pain is all reward and benefits from the God
The positive return of this technique in general:
-When you repeat positive words continuously you will always change, always change for the better, and your overall psychological level improves.
- You will always feel optimistic.
- Your stress will be greatly reduced
- You will become a positive person and a corroborative for others. When you contact your colleagues, reassure and encourage them, you will at least feel that you have served people and achieved something in life.

Third: Positive mental message technique

Through the positive mental message you can convince yourself anything even if it is the seventh impossible in your opinion at the moment! And through a positive mental message you can achieve what you want in the study or life.

The objective of the positive mental message:
Its purpose is to convince yourself that you are capable of doing many difficult and harsh things. Also, its purpose is to convince yourself that you are capable of achieving a specific academic goal.

How to manufacture this positive mental message:

1-Set a goal you want to achieve success or excellence in, for example (success in all subjects you learn during this semester).
2-Write in bold and clear handwriting:
-I chose to be the most successful in all subjects.
-I can successfully succeed in all the subjects I study easily.
-Math is an educational material that does not represent any problem to me and does not cause me a headache to understand.
3-Make multiple copies of this letter, and you can also type it in the small square paper called the memo.
4-You can represent this joyfully written goal associated with a delightful panorama, Where you choose an expressive image that has a positive meaning and is also colored. For example, obtaining a certificate of appreciation at a public ceremony.
5-Adjust or wrap the paper, and you can also color the paper

Where will you put this positive mental message?

You will place it everywhere you see it. When you see this message everywhere, your mind and think will be saturated with the idea of the message, so place it or paste it everywhere you visit.

-At Home: Post your message on all walls in your room and place them in different places of your home. Hang it or paste it on the refrigerator or next to the bed
-Office: Put it on your desk, inside your textbooks.
-Car: Place the message inside your car at the first place your eyes see
-Put a small picture of it in your wallet

What do you do with this message?

-Accustom yourself look at your positive message constantly
-Repeatedly repeat the mental message and its words whenever you see it
-This message is repeated every day in the corridors of the college or school, before you enter the lesson or lecture.
-Repeat this positive sentence in your message in yourself whenever you feel uncomfortable or confused.
-You can also type the message sentence on the edge or margin of each sheet you are studying.

Positive return of the positive mental message:

-In the beginning you will look at your positive message with mockery, and gradually the idea will enter your mood.
-You will be waiting for Subject classes eagerly and you will be eager to learn the details.
-Your grades will progress in the subject you are experiencing until you get the final score.
-All lessons will be completed from the course before the test. Before the test day, you will be able to simply review of the material, you are unusually optimistic and relaxed, which makes you sleep deeply.
-You will enter the exam and you are very happy to get your final score.

Another variety of positive mental message technique - Message (easy-clear–simple) technique

If you have a subject that you think is difficult and the lecturer or professor seems to be harsh and very careful, try this method. When using the technique (easy-clear-simple) will reap its good fruits, and the result assured and certainly psychological comfort above all.

And if you use this technique at every test you will find the result like magic, and you will not believe that all exams are really easy-clear and simple!

How to implement this technique:

1-Think of a goal or something you want to succeed in, and even get a franchise, for example you want to excel in mathematics.

2-Write this sentence (math is easy-clear-simple) fifty times in a reinforced card. You can also write the meaning of this sentence (for example, there is nothing difficult in mathematics) or any words or phrases you like to adopt. You can write a sentence (math easy-clear-and simple) in several colors and also several times on each line.

3-Repeat what you did on this card and make multiple copies.

4-Place cards everywhere in your room or hang what you have written in one corner of your office or room.

5-After about a week of hanging or distributing the cards in the room, you will feel more positive thinking when you see the simple words on each card.

6-You will feel that you are beginning to love the subject and start to take it back

7-You will become sure that the teacher is kind and affectionate and will

8-You will like him and you will like his style of teaching accordingly

9-You will begin to study the subject with pleasure and will therefore make a greater effort to gain the privilege


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